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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I'm a big fan of Mexican food specially Nachos and Fajitas, other wise I like my meat steak and chicken in any way or form.
  2. Yes I would if the rest of the crew were women. Would you leave the room at the doctor or dentist if there was only your ex in the room?
  3. The first tattoo on a woman I fell in love with was what is called a tramp stamp, it sits on her lower back like this. And I could not stop staring at it. Now I look forward to see more tats but there is a limit to how much.
  4. Julia, you posted this 1 hour ago and no one replied yet, I will go first cause I want to read your story. I was 17 and recently single, I looked older then my age, I stopped at the video store and rented a XXX movie and a regular movie. My mom asked what I had rented and I showed her the regular one. Now I lived in the basement at my parents house and had my own TV and VCR so after everyone was in bed I would watch the XXX movie and masturbate and ejaculate 3 times on the same hard on and then I would fall asleep and when I woke up in the morning I would beat my meat again twice before breakfast.
  5. I think its the meeting of the gays on Fridays and she had already ordered her drink.
  6. NotchJohnson

    in the office

    Beautiful legs and sexy secretary outfit.
  7. NotchJohnson

    sexy cowgirl

    Magnificent cowgirl!
  8. Definetly would. Would you shave your best friends balls(this is a question for a guy)
  9. Here are a few of mine. When asked in person or on the phone "how are you" I almost always say "Perfect in every way" No way way get a job f_cken idiot have a coke and a smile and shut the f_ck up You have two choices-take it or leave it.
  10. To get this game going again. Would you bring your mom to get her nipples pierced and watch?
  11. I think that Quinn would be a great challenger for Kim. Just my opinion. I have seen pics of her naked and she is very hot.
  12. My thoughts, natural all the way, but will not cancel if they are implants.
  13. Yes if he agree's. Sorry! I replied after Emma and didn't know. Yes I would dance naked in the rain. did it already. Would you make an appointment with a lady and only want to give her a massage and not receive anything.
  14. Congrats on your 500 post Alexandra. BTW love your new album, you look fantastic in your pics.
  15. Yes I would. Would you give your phone number to a total stranger of the opposite sex simply for sex?
  16. Thanks Gabby, I have been told a few time about my bum. Mr G. I have a secret I never told anyone, Gabby always abuses my sexy bum when I see her and I love it. Enough about me, I love her legs too, very sexy and when she wraps them around me and doesn't let go.
  17. This a a great breakthrough in today's technology.
  18. Additional Comments: Jennifer Love Hewitt.
  19. Kelly Hu. Agnes Lum. Elektra Knight.
  20. I'm getting my camera ready to take pictures of my legs, do you prefer if I show off my bum a bit or just from the side? Comments please!
  21. I have had many fantasy realized already and like someone said here once you realize one you just think up another. So here is one that I have in mind but may be hard to do, two couples where the two male DO NOT interact together but the ladies do, be that they are in the 69 position while the 2 male are on them, or only kissing and caressing each other. I would love to see a girl giving another guy a bj or him being down on her and her enjoying it. I have also thought about the TS/M/F scenario but waiting for the best time for it.
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