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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. NotchJohnson

    I am liking this view from here.
  2. You go to your local grocery store and buy hamburger patties and buns and all the trimming for them for your guests coming tonight. They arrive and you spark up the BBQ enjoy some drinks and are having fun, your propane tank runs empty, no problem you take a quick run to fill it up and hurry back home. Now your cooking all your meat and get ready to put the buns on the grill only to find out they are past due 4 days and have green spot all over. Too late to go and get more buns cause your meat will be cold and not that good reheated.
  3. I for one appreciate what you did Pete and would encourage others who may have given these lovely ladies recommendations in the past to do the same and add to yours so that these girls have a fair and honest list of recommendations.
  4. For me it's The Monkeys-I'm a believer. Well I ain't telling the year but you can guess if you want.
  5. Rednex- Cotton eye Joe, http://youtu.be/ddgyg_5FF_0 Eric Prydz-Call on me,
  6. The twist, chubby checker http://youtu.be/DZAtzcthSxM The Locomotion by Grand funk railroad I have so many more.
  7. Your cell phone is 3 years old and does not keep charge and goes bezerk, you call the phone company they give you a deal over the phone so you run to the phone store and get a new on that you pay right away, go home and get a bill in the mail for the same phone at twice the price?????? You call them to fix the problem and they forget you on hold for half an hour only to tell you it was your fault and you should have done something before and still want your f#%&*g money. You make plan 3 month ahead to go to a party with the boys and on that day your wife tells you to get ready to go to her mother with her. Being the nice guy that you are, a customer(you know him well) comes to your store buys stuff but he forgot his wallet, you take the money out of your own pocket and put it in the cash register because he promised to come and pay you back the next day, you don't see him for a few weeks and when you do he forgot about the money he owes you or has no recollection of what he did that day and says that he does not owe you nothing.
  8. NotchJohnson

    Front view

    You fill out that dress nicely Amber.
  9. I also lost a dear friend, my dog was a bernese mountain dog and was the friendliest ever, I even took him to work at the fire hall. When we had kids come over and visit he would always keep an eye on them to make sure they would not get hurt, you could say that he was our mascot. He was a big enough dog but no one was afraid of him because he never gave the impression of being cross, is name was Teddy(cause he looked like a small teddy bear when I got him). Sadly after 14 wonderful years we had to put him down due to cancer, I was by his side the whole time and one of the toughest thing I ever had to do and don't think I could ever do it again. It made a void in many peoples lives(not just mine). Many of the kids that visited the fire hall who are grownups now tell me how nice of a dog I had. I get tears in my eyes when I hear them. That dog will never be replaced.
  10. I'm doing just fine Cato, only been very busy here at work, looks like 7 days a week. And how have you been?
  11. I have thought about that before because I'll tell you why but don't criticize me. I was afraid of running into family member that I did not know. My parents were the youngest in there family and they got married late in life so, I did not meet many of my cousins and this is only hypothetical what if I met one of my cousins daughter? They are in the Ottawa and Montreal area. Just saying.
  12. Buon compleanno!Eva, Molti molti ritorni felici del giorno. I must admit Eva you do not look a day over fabulous.
  13. To all those of you who celebrate Cinco de Mayo enjoy your day. Eat nachos and drink tequila amigos and lets have a Fiesta.
  14. I do not want to get in trouble for saying this but for me pictures are great and so are physical attributes but the most important is personality. Personality will take me further then looks.
  15. NotchJohnson


    You must be proud Amber, to have such good looking breasts. I would love to feel them!
  16. Very good question, for some reason I always sleep on the side closer to the door, weird I know but I got used to it when an ex got broken in at her house before she met me and she always felt safer with me sleeping close to the door. If ever there would be a break in(at my house) I am always ready with a baseball bat in one hand and the fish knife in the other. But I prefer the right side personally.
  17. Congrats on reaching 500 post Vanessa, enjoyed reading them all.
  18. Congrats Nicolette on reaching 2000 post, I enjoyed reading them all.
  19. You simply look amazing in this outfit Keissy.
  20. I agree true perfection!!
  21. I had no clue it was your Birthday Megan, I wish you an excellent one you sexy thing.
  22. Nice breasts and nipples.
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