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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. Welcome back Sara who will be better known now as SMQ, good to have you back.
  2. I find that having a hobby that you like is a good stress relief, be it fishing, dancing, sex, cooking, masturbating, grass cutting but my favorite is riding my motorcycle. I just got back from Daytona Beach, Florida last weekend where I did my favorite hobby during bike week.
  3. NotchJohnson

    moje zdjecia 239

    Beautiful perky breast blondi33.
  4. NotchJohnson

    MG 0472

    Beautiful smile and a great body.
  5. I have had a train set for the first time at the age of 12 and I have been adding to it since then until I moved out at my parents house in 1993 and by that time it had gotten big, building bridges with a meccano set and making mountains with "papier mache" etc.
  6. I also only use body wash like "Old Spice" and had many great comment. If I am going out on a special date with a special someone I wear Jean Paul Gaultier "Le Male" or David Beckam "Intimately" or "Instinct"
  7. I love this topic since it's in my area of expertise. I'm orally fixated and enjoy to DATY, I have never had a bad experience(smell), simply some better then others. I just love to shove my face between her thighs when she ejaculates (squirt) and get a taste of her nectar, it is intoxicating stimulant.
  8. Spent $50 on E-bay for a penis enlarger.............. Bastards sent me a magnifying glass.!!.
  9. NotchJohnson


    Very sexy body Coco, perfectly proportioned, love the long hair flowing on your back.
  10. NotchJohnson

    DSC 8209

    Beautiful body, love the net top.
  11. NotchJohnson

    DSC 8259

    Love the stance, are you looking for me coming to see you?
  12. There is no way to win against the government, with everything they remove on my monthly pay over 50% goes to them. After the income tax and the CPP and so on plus add everything that I buy with a 13% tax and just to give an example my hydro bill last month was $310.00 and after adding the delivery charge and debt retirement and that f*^%#g 13% tax my hydro bill was up to $625.00 does that make sense, not to me it doesn't. If I was to charge the customer at work all of those extra charge I would be out of business in a week. Think about it. Sorry for venting like that, I do feel better now.
  13. LMAOSHMSFOAIDMT I still prefer the conventional happy ending. Thanks for sharing Megan.
  14. Yes it is true, but this happens more often than you might think. There was no Full Moon in February for the years 1809, 1847, 1865, 1885, 1915, 1934, 1961, 1999 These are also the years that will have two Blue Moons by the way.
  15. From my experience she has to want it also not just let you do what you want so this experience can be enjoyed by both parties. I have had much success by making sure that the tip of my tongue was hard and narrow not soft and wide(hope you understand what I mean). By touching lightly on the clitoris(circular motion and up and down) and sometime a dip and lick in the sweet spot helps to moisten and increase the pleasure for her. Yes, you can say that I'm a big fan of DATY but I also enjoy seeing a girl squirt and even taste her nectar. I have found in time that many men that DATY quit to early and leaves the woman frustrated since she was about to cum herself, so my advice would be for the guys to try to last a bit longer, hope some ladies can confirm this. ETP kid.
  16. Congrats on your first 100 post, keep them coming.
  17. I can't believe it, she looks identical to an ex girlfriend of mine but she was a brunette. Thanks for sharing SteveO.
  18. NotchJohnson

    Fall2009 21

    I could see myself standing there erect like that tree with you on me.
  19. NotchJohnson


    Exactly what Pete said.
  20. NotchJohnson

    IMG 1861 edited

    With that gorgeous face and your lovely eyes to your kissable lips you look very inviting.
  21. NotchJohnson

    mg 6849[1]

    I would love to have a taste at this Brazilian Berry.
  22. NotchJohnson


    Amazing body, sexy bum.
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