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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I lived in a rural town where our house was over 7 km away from school. So when we stayed after school for activities we would go to the pay phone and made a collect call. Instead of saying our real name for our parents to accept the charge we would just say something like " ready to be picked up" on the recording and about 15 minutes later our parents would come and pick us up. I've seen a commercial like that many years ago where the operator asked what the guys name after his wife gave birth and he said "Bob..we had a baby it's a boy" and the father told his wife that Bob called they had a baby and it's a boy. lol
  2. NotchJohnson


    Amazingly gorgeous...Wow!!
  3. NotchJohnson

    You are always full of fun surprises Emily and that's why you are great to spend time with !
  4. IMO that top is one size too small.....aka the perfect size. Love it !
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