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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. We will miss you here drlove, hope life treats you well. I'm glad you will come and check on us every once in awhile. Good luck!
  2. I have that song stuck in my head for over a month now, so bad I start singing it at work to employees and close customer of mine. Sweet Caroline from Neil Diamond. By the way the part I sing is at the 0:44 mark to 1:05, brings a smile to some. Please help me get that song out of my head!
  3. Should I get blamed for getting an erection when I see my wife half naked or in her undies walking in the house, bending in front of me or seeing her fripples through her shirt? My wife is very good looking, she is tall, blonde with beautiful green eyes, nice size boobs(36DD) and a round bubble butt that I love spanking. I warned her that when I get older and she will look for it that it might be pointing in the wrong direction so that she better learn how to do a head stand for me to drop it in.lol I make the best of it and try not to hurt anyone in the meantime. Hopefully one day soon she will get it back and I will have to quit coming here and chat with all of you.:icon_cry:
  4. It's a good thing he reached the 5 post mark to do so. Go on nik11 share the story or give her a nice recommendation. Make sure to pass it by her before posting it!
  5. It's tough when you have found your soul mate and there is only one little thing that does not work well. I have the same thing going on in my life and I share your feeling SolidSnake. I could never see the day that I would leave my wife, she completes me. I fell in love with her many years ago, I had no control over that. I'm hoping that in time she will want to have more sex. I was told that a woman after a certain age will get horny and she will need it more often, that is my question. True or false?
  6. Rule of thumbs is take the door with the lock on it, that's the one that should open. Just saying. Additional Comments: I love sitting by the window, and I never get the chance to seat there.
  7. Congratulation on your 3000 post, keep them coming!
  8. NotchJohnson

    bend me over?

    That is an ass I would love to grab!
  9. You are also fun to look at, so sexy!
  10. From experience, if I notice a lady on Cerb everyday or almost I will send her a PM otherwise I will follow her protocol on how she wants to book a meeting. I have also sent a PM to some ladies that I was in no rush in a response, some came back almost 6 month later.lol Personally the best method is how the lady wants it done.
  11. I have not seen Mister C on here for over 1 month, hope he is fine. Happy Birthday Mister C, hope you enjoy your day!
  12. Are these statement true, give or take a little?
  13. I could use 2 hands to hold one!
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