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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. NotchJohnson

    Gorgeous legs and body!
  2. NotchJohnson

    Now, this is so hot and sexy!
  3. NotchJohnson

    Beautiful body, I would like to explore!
  4. Stuck at the airport in Jamaica waiting for our plane to arrive late. I don't want to go back home yet.
  5. NotchJohnson

    playful things

    Very sexy, nice bum!
  6. I got interested in meeting Victoria a while back when I was reading her ads on Cerb, they are very interesting and I was intrigue by her charm and beauty. After an email and proof of who I was we set a date and I meet her at a beautiful hotel. Her ad said that she was over 6' tall in high heels and a redhead, 2 things I enjoy very much. I enter the room and she immediately put me at ease and we talked a bit and kissed and soon found ourselves on the bed. She is gorgeous, and a great kisser, I truly enjoyed seeing her for the first time and will probably see her again when the stars line up. Thanks Victoria for the great morning date.
  7. I got interested in meeting Victoria a while back when I was reading her ads on Cerb, they are very interesting and I was intrigue by her charm and beauty. After an email and proof of who I was we set a date and I meet her at a beautiful hotel. Her ad said that she was over 6' tall in high heels and a redhead, 2 things I enjoy very much. I enter the room and she immediately put me at ease and we talked a bit and kissed and soon found ourselves on the bed. She is gorgeous, and a great kisser, I truly enjoyed seeing her for the first time and will probably see her again when the stars line up. Thanks Victoria for the great morning date.
  8. I'm not from the Pembroke/Petawawa area but I'm also not from Ottawa but I do play there. I do live over 1 hour away and every time I booked in Ottawa I always showed up. Your time and mine are very important and I don't want to waste it, if I book an appointment with anyone I keep it unless its an emergency(never happened). Rain or shine, storm or extreme cold I showed up and met wonderful ladies ,many were traveling. I read many good things about you Jessica and you are on my TDL so I hope to see you soon, if its not in Ottawa it might have to be Montreal. PS. I am early Saturday morning customer and I understand it would be a shame to get a lady up early on that day to get ready to see a client and he does not show up. Hugs and kisses, NJ
  9. This will be my highlight for Friday, I will be going south for a week of R&R, well deserved if you ask me. It seems that every year just before I get to leave for my 1 week of holiday I get stressed about everything. I'm sure there is a conspiracy going on here, no one wants me to leave relaxed.
  10. Congrats nlwoodchuck on both your 1 year anniversary and the 500 post mark!
  11. Does it matter if a girl take the time to groom before our meeting? Yes it should, I prefer to have her with her hair well placed, clean body and clothes and smelling fresh. I have been on dates with ladies where there was no make up, no brushed teeth, still in PJ's(this could be hot if they are sexy PJ's but that time they were not) the bed was all upside down(Ok this is not part of grooming, I just added this to the list). Keep in mind it was not all on the one date.
  12. I do love Montreal very much, but as you said French is an asset. I will tell you that if you move to the west island of Montreal many people there only speak English. Ottawa on the other hand is bilingual and is only about 1-1/2 hour from Montreal. I live in between them 2 cities and travel to either for fun. Hope this helps, make sure you search for what you like before making a decision.
  13. NotchJohnson

    January 2014

    This is a great picture, I love a woman in boots!
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