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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. They are also the seed for the cashew tree, were you ever told that the strawberry was the only fruit with the seeds on the outside? False because so is the cashew! The seed being the cashew nut. This is what it looks like.
  2. We all have clothing that we love wearing because it makes you look/feel good or is very comfortable. I have a few pair of microfiber brief that do just that, they hold the twins away from my thighs and shows off my masculinity very well and even my bum looks good in them(so I've been told). Here is a picture of what they look like(not on me though). So what does your sexy underwear look like?
  3. Websites are great if you are looking for more details on a lady, for example pictures, rates, location etc. If many ladies are on the same website(independent or not) it may give us guys the choice between more then one lady to see. Keep in mind many guys are visual and we enjoy looking at your picture more then what you may think, sexy pictures sell nough said.
  4. Happy Birthday Alyssa, hope you enjoy your day! PS. Love your first album, can't wait to see more.
  5. Happy Birthday to a great Cerb member, Mikeyboy, hope you enjoy your day Mikey!
  6. I like my coffee like my women, hot and black.lol I enjoy my one medium cup of french vanilla a day, usually early in the morning. Night time I might take a sleepytime tea.
  7. Great to have you here spud271, 7 years is a long time. Thanks for all the contribution to Cerb.
  8. Lana Lee is well known also for having a rather large labia, she does visit Ottawa on occasion.
  9. Have you tried acupuncture to help or solve that issue? I see an asian woman for muscle and other types of pain and she cured me from pain that the doctors would never attempt to touch.
  10. Congrats paquet55 on reaching 100 post, most of them being pretty good. Love your taste in pictures that you post in the social groups too.
  11. Happy Belated Birthday Cleo, hope you enjoyed your day sexy!
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