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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. Another Gmail user here, love it!
  2. I once requested the lady to keep her high heel thigh high boots on because they looked so hot on her. I also kept my fireman suit on with and ex gf, mind you I had no undies or shirt under any of it so she could reach anything she wanted in there.
  3. NotchJohnson

    Gorgeous legs and bum!
  4. How can you get intimate with someone without kissing first? I feel it is an important part of the experience, if you jump directly to sex without any kissing its like going to the hockey game just to have the excellent hot dog and not watch the game at all. Kissing as to be included in the meeting for me.
  5. That last one is amazing needfun!
  6. NotchJohnson

    You look fabulous!
  7. Happy Birthday Ashley, hope you enjoy your day beautiful!
  8. NotchJohnson

    mars 2012 005

    Tres sexy, j'aime la vue du mirroir!
  9. This is hot, I love the kitchen counter picture!
  10. NotchJohnson

    IMG 1025

    Love the flat tummy and the boobies!
  11. Happy Birthday Meaghan, hope you have a wonderful day!
  12. Congrats Meg on reaching the 6000 post mark, keep up the good work, you are sexy!
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