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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. For me it's not complicated, I enjoy riding my motorcycle on open roads, it totally relaxes me and feel at peace. I also love cutting my lawn and sit on my deck after having cut it and see the animals in my backyard. I have deers, wolves, rabbits, racoons, foxes and many types of birds hanging around my place.
  2. Happy belated Birthday Jody, hope you enjoyed your day!
  3. I recently took over the Exotic Asian Club that Phantom Knight started at the end of last year and now I'm getting a notification (in the top right corner of Cerb main page), it's simply says unapproved group messages with a 1 beside it. All it does when I click on it is bring me to the social group page and nothing else, I can't seem to get rid of it(the notification: 1) and it's starting to bug me. Any help please.
  4. When I used to be in a band and played at parties I would come to the microphone just before we were to take a break and announce this to the crowd " Ok. everyone we will take five, be back in ten, see you in fifteen" and everyone would say WTF!
  5. NotchJohnson


    Gorgeous body!
  6. Phaedrus and Gabriella Laurence on reaching 3000 posts, it is quite and achievement. I know because I have been here for over 4 years and have recently reached that mark myself and can say this is a great place to be. So congrats to you both and keep up the good work.
  7. I have been wanting to meet Peachy for a few years now and I finally set a date with this young beauty. I booked for a early morning and she had no problem accommodating me with that. Peachy has a sweet voice and she contacted me a half hour before our date and the sound of her voice got me more excited to meet her. I show up on time and she lets me in her building and finally a knock on the door and I'm in. She is gorgeous, I can't keep my eyes off of her beautiful face and sexy body. Peachy greeted me in a nice dress and I could see it hugging her cute round bum so when we embraced I went for the feel and it was great. We enter the bedroom and she invites me to get more comfortable so I do. I was staring at her beautiful brown eyes and the smile from her lips and had to go for the kiss, she gives the sweetest little kisses ever. I will try to keep the rest of my recommendation PG 13 but it is hard not to go into details and give this young lady all the credit she deserves. I will say this, I have taken 4 showers in my short stay at Peachy's place, She had the choice of calling me by 2 names my Cerb handle name or my real name but she called me the name of another guy and I have checked his name is not on the Cerb members list, she called me Jesus Christ. I might just change my handle to that name so there would be no more confusion next time I visit her(because there will be a next time for sure). I will add that Peachy as got great hands, she offered me a massage and I totally enjoyed it, it relaxed me and it also turned me on again. I got to experience the special "chair" that she has and we assumed many position on it and yes we went to the swing and that was fun as well. To finalize my recommendation I will say that her pictures don't do her justice, I wish she could have another album with more pics. Thank you Peachy for the wonderful morning we spent together. This experience gets a Top Notch Seal of approval. Thanks Peachy, until next time, XOXO NJ aka. Jesus Christ by Peachy
  8. All I want right now is for this snow to melt so I can take my motorcycle out for a ride.
  9. That money belongs to one of my relative and they found me to be the only living relative to him so it all mine. lol For your first question I often asked myself that question at a young age and thought I was not big enough or long enough but just like so many other we all feel that way. Don't worry it's normal and many of us think like that but in reality it's bigger then what you think and I have had many compliments on it. There is no magic pills to make it bigger or longer, don't waste your money on that, nough said.
  10. I'm sure if you ask some ladies from Cerb for their panties you might be able to get some that will sell them to you. Get ready to pay $ for them.
  11. Happy Birthday to my good friend Lee, hope you enjoy your day buddy!
  12. Porn and dating sites, I don't know why they pop up on my screen at work when the boss walks by my desk. I'm just kidding, I have a good antivirus and pop up blocker. Never have that problem.
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