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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. Best to look at the recommendations in your city and make that decision yourself, what if one lady is great with a Cerb member and he recommends her and you don't have a great time with her? There are thousands of reco's in every city, take a look at the pictures and read the reco's you will have a great time I can almost guaranty it!
  2. I agree in a way it was easier to find the latest post as opposed to now, mind you I like the new look. I find it is tougher to go through it. Additional Comments: Change it back in the way you can spot the last changes in the group, I agree.
  3. NotchJohnson

    ive been naughty...

    And I just happen to love naughty girls!
  4. NotchJohnson

    model shot

    Oh! So sexy!
  5. Happy Birthday to SexxxyRebecca, hope you enjoy your day!
  6. Happy Birthday to the beautiful Miss Sophia, hope you enjoy your day!
  7. I have been 10 months without going on a date and I have been on 4 in a month 2 of which were duo's. A lot depends on money, time and hornyness.
  8. NotchJohnson

    I think we could have a lot of fun together, all three of us!
  9. NotchJohnson


    That is a smoking hot body!
  10. NotchJohnson

    WOW!! Sexy little body!
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