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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I'm neutral when it comes to tan lines on breasts but I love to see the Texas thonghorn(word game I have, sounds like longhorn) which i9s best described with pictures.
  2. I agree with others, keep the same name for both site. I also like the name November but Kay is also sweet, so its your call Kay/November.
  3. This is just my opinion, now I visited the west once and everyone had on similar clothes so I want and got some wrangler jeans and plaid shirt and cowboy boots and hat just so I would fit in. Not to say that what you are wearing is not fine but in Ottawa their are very few that wear that, we have a government city and most men will wear a suit to work. This is just my opinion and I would like if others would bring in their POV.
  4. NotchJohnson


    What a nice set you have Carrie, Uh! I mean beautiful cleavage, Uh! WOW! that is a gorgeous necklace you have!
  5. You know what I think? Let the haters hate and the lovers love, these people have nothing to do all day then be negative, surround yourself with positive people and you will see that life is wonderful(so is your profession).
  6. That is awesome Cato, congrats on reaching 6000 post and keep up the good work my friend.
  7. Happy Birthday Audrey Eve, hope you enjoy your day!
  8. NotchJohnson

    nipps anyone??

    I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life!
  9. What is BP? It used to a gas station back in my younger days(still is in the states) did not know you could find ladies there! Keep with CERB and you will be fine.
  10. I enjoy every inches of a woman's body and with that I use all of my senses, so I love to smell her body, hear her enjoy herself, touch her all over, taste her sweet spot, kiss her smooth lips(top and bottom), see her full dressed, in lingerie and naked body, and to see her loose control of her body when she reaches orgasm.
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