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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. If and when love finds you/you find it, it does not matter what you/she are doing for living you just accept it and live your life with that person. Its the same thing as a white male/ black female or any ethnicity you are. Love is simply love.
  2. NotchJohnson

    Sexy Hannah

    Looking really good in this outfit, showing off your sexy body!
  3. NotchJohnson

    Sexy Hannah

    Beautiful legs leading to a cute bum!
  4. Hey 42092, I just want to give you a bit of encouragement, so go ahead pick up the phone and call one of the fine lady of CERB, I'm cheering for you!
  5. I finally got what I asked for.....half a dozen of donut.
  6. Answer the phone and tells the guy "call me back in 10-15 minutes I should be done with this guys and then you can come over". That was it, I was done and out of there and told her to call this guy back so he can come over faster. I will never see that girl again even though I paid the full amount for the hour and was there for only 15 minutes. Additional Comments: Answer the phone and tells the guy "call me back in 10-15 minutes I should be done with this guys and then you can come over". That was it, I was done and out of there and told her to call this guy back so he can come over faster. I will never see that girl again even though I paid the full amount for the hour and was there for only 15 minutes.
  7. I pity the poor girl, having to do what her bf wants her to do, its clear she does not like sex that much and she is forced into this "career" for a bit just to pay his bills.
  8. I've always wanted to try and relax more. Let me try to explain, I run a family business and people count on me to be there to solve problems but who do I see for my own problems? I bought a motorcycle 18 years ago and that helped a lot but that was before I joined the family business( I was a firefighter). I was putting riding aside to be at work so that everything would run smoothly and it did. Here is another example of this, just last week I cut the tip of my finger at work and was ordered by the doctor to take 8 weeks off, instead I went back at work sat at my desk even go in the shop still to do some work. So I need to try and relax.
  9. Sorry to hear this, Get well soon Old Dog, praying for a speedy recovery my friend.
  10. NotchJohnson


    You look gorgeous as always Angel!
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