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Posts posted by NotchJohnson

  1. This made me happy and appreciated. This morning I decided to go for a walk to get a coffee at the local Tim Horton and I happen to cross the street where many school kids do. As I'm waiting for the light to flash and allow pedestrian to go, a young boy around ten'ish grabbed my hand and asked me to protect him to cross the street. I'm confused and wonder what is he up to and then he tells me that he knows who I am. I asked him how come he knows me so he says that his mom pointed me out to him one day at the grocery store and that I had saved his mom when she was pregnant with him when she was in a car accident and I was a firefighter.

    That was so long ago and I can't recall who his mom was. I went to so many car wreck in my life and only did my job.

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  2. I tried duckduckgo and can't find Lyla on it. What I found was if I use internet explorer as a search engine and simply press control-shift-P it will take me to a private window where no one can keep track of what I do.

    This is what I found so far that works. The only disadvantage I have so far is to copy paste pictures on to Lyla, so sorry folks who enjoys the pictures I post. Until I can find a way to do so no pictures for me here.

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