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Posts posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I was asked by a special lady to go shopping for lingerie for her and she wanted my opinion on whatever she tried. This got me very excited. We then went for a nice meal where she took off her undies and handed them to me under the table saying that she did not think she would need them for the rest of the evening. I don't remember what I had to eat at the restaurant but I know what I had for dessert.

    Going shopping for lingerie with a sexy lady : $00.00

    Taking her out for a meal : $65.00

    Getting her undies and having her as dessert: Priceless


    Many other nice things were done like extended hours, cupcakes with nice notes written on the wrapper on my way out, given an extra that is not offered on her list of activities etc...

    • Like 6

  2. Traction control will keep you from "spinning" your tires summer like winter. It's a nice feature to have for many reasons, for example spinning on grave roads will scratch the bottom of your car, spinning on snow will form ice and keep you stuck in there longer, spinning on sand will dig a hole deeper and keep you stuck until you call a towing.


    I keep mine on all the time except in the summer time when I want to race against the cops, then I smoke them away by burning the rubber off my tires.

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  3. What I look for in a female friend(not girlfriend of wife material) is someone I can be open with and I can talk about anything(sort of like my wife but not about Lyla). She would have to be able to pay her own stuff(I don't mind if I pay the restaurant bill one time and her the next), if we go on a trip I would like her to be able to afford her own things etc...

    I'm a down to earth type of guy so she has to be the same, I don't mind getting dirty so if she knows anything about mechanics its a bonus.

    When finding friends doesn't everyone like to hang with people that have the same ideas, hobby, work, etc...? That answers the question, I think ?

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  4. Very interesting read Eve but I have to disagree with you. Although I can't prove it because first I'm not a woman and second I don't know how ladies feel when they "squirt". Except for the fact that I have seen many ladies "squirt" before and seen their body convulse and shake out of control, their eyes roll in the back of their head worse then a man who ejaculates(myself anyway).

    I have tasted "squirt" before and maybe a little bit of pee at other times and it does not taste the same. I guaranty you that.

    I will agree that some ladies may pee and pretend its "squirt" so to please themselves or their partner or for the camera in porn.


    I'm not advocating that what you are saying is not true or my experience is right but just stating my facts.


    Just saying....

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