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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. NotchJohnson


    Arianne, you are gorgeous, love that smile!
  2. I really like This n' That!
  3. I found MOTRIN works well for headaches and back pain. Also like mentioned before drink plenty of fluids, dehydration is a big cause of headaches so is lack of food. Another thing that works great for me is warm saline water in like a kettle in one nostril and out the other, might sound gross or out of the ordinary but it works great once you get the hang of it. I forget what it is called but if you talk to your pharmacist he/she might help you out with that. Good luck!
  4. I salute all the gentlemen mentioned here, you guys are great like brothers from another mother. Thank you Sophia for starting this thread, hugs and kisses we love you and all the ladies of CERB.
  5. Happy Birthday Angela, hope you enjoy your day. Your special gift(from myself) will be coming soon I hope, you know what it is.lol
  6. Mikeyboy is right RG does have a lot to say, but that is fine it's always interesting to see what he has to say. Congrats RG.
  7. Hang in there, I'm sure you can beat it again. I'll be praying for you.
  8. I'm a weekend type of guy, give me an early Saturday morning appointment and I'm in. Morning sex is the best in my opinion and on a Saturday even better.
  9. Happy Birthday Porthos, hope you enjoy you day!
  10. NotchJohnson

    You have an amazing smile Emily!
  11. How can someone not look at her beautiful ......eyes?
  12. NotchJohnson


    Emmanuelle has got one tight body!
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