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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I used to go to church almost every Sunday and got involved in the community so much until I realized how many hypocrites goes to church. Like I said I got involved in the sense I gave to my church, I built a giant steel cross that is standing high behind the church and is lit up at night. I was going to church and noticed how many people that cheated and stole and did bad things just sat there like good samaritan's. Yes, I stopped going myself but still believe in the catholic church. The only time you will see me there is for a niece or nephew's communion or confession or wedding and funeral. And I always dress up appropriately when going to church and very seldom seen others dressed inappropriately.
  2. NotchJohnson

    look at me !!! :)

    Sweetshay, you have an incredible nice bum!
  3. NotchJohnson

    Me & My 38EE

    How you can seduce a man with your big beautiful breasts and a sexy smile!
  4. I have something for butts like yours, You are very sexy Tamy!
  5. I would suck well on them!
  6. Congrats on reaching god status to a great poster. Well done Porthos!
  7. NotchJohnson

    IMG 2169

    Beautiful long curly red hair,tramp stamp(I mean this in a good way) and cute bum!
  8. I'm sorry for your loss, pets are a good part of our lives.
  9. This happened to a friend of mine back in college days. He was a good looking guy and was dating a girl but this other girl had a crush on him. On Thanksgiving weekend he stayed at the residence with some other students and partied, this other girl put some sort of drugs in his drinks and he suddenly felt tired she put helped him to bed and tied him up. I don't need to get into details on what happened but she abused of him when he came to. This other girl was a good looking girl and I'm sure she could please any man, how can a man not get an erection when a good looking woman his seducing him? I sure would not report it as rape or assault, can you imagine what everyone said about him? Of course his relationship with his girlfriend did not last after this event.
  10. Keeping up with the line up and Murphy's law, I'm standing in a line up at a fast food restaurant for about 5 minutes, the 2 kids in front of me are talking to each other and when it comes time for them to order they have to study the menu over the cashiers. They had all the time in the world to do that while waiting Ughhh.
  11. I like megforfun because she always has something nice to say to me and to everyone.
  12. I like that porthos post nice picture in the fripple thread.
  13. NotchJohnson

    You look beautiful Lucy!
  14. NotchJohnson


    Seeing you laying down like that I would just lick you from head to toe! Such a gorgeous body!
  15. Been there done that, I know exactly what you mean. I was going to change some windows on the house last fall, the wife convinced me to change them all since eventually they would have to be anyway. While at it put french doors in the bedroom because it would be nice to have some. Done. Reroute some electrical wires for it. Done. Change from carpet to hardwood floor because it was getting old. Done. Need new curtains since no more window $$$$. Change the moulding to match the wood floor. Now that spring is here and we have french doors in the bedroom but we don't have a deck to join the existing deck I need to build that too. Whats next a hot tub on the deck? Renovation never cost little.
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