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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. NotchJohnson

    Lingerie :)

    Ditto. Love the glasses and the outfit with the boots!
  2. NotchJohnson


    You have got the perfect body for that bikini!
  3. Hey all I was just thinking of a motorcycle trip I took some years ago to New Hampshire (Laconia) and while traveling there some girls flashed their boobies at us and it was a surprise but it also made me happy at the same time. So my question to you ladies have you ever flashed anyone? What was there reaction? Gentlemen, have you ever been flashed? what was your reaction? If some dare you can also answer if any ladies have been flashed by a man or another girl and if any man has ever flashed a girl.
  4. NotchJohnson


    Wow good looking legs leading to that sexy bum!
  5. Happy Birthday Spud, hope you enjoy your day!
  6. I have always used chivalry with any ladies that I have been with or not. This did not go unnoticed by my stepson cause now he does the same and his new girlfriend thanked me for it. He will help her remove and also put on her coat while also pulling her hair back while she adjust it, he will also open the car door and help her out if she needs it(he does the same for his mother) I have seen him carry her over a puddle once so she would not get her feet wet. What can I say, he gets that from me.
  7. Well done Soleil, congrats on reaching goddess status!
  8. Well done Katherine, congrats on reaching goddess status!
  9. Wait until you come back next time, I will make it better yet. I'm glad you enjoyed it here and hope to see you soon Sophia.
  10. Parking your car by the apartment building and getting snow falling off the roof onto your car. Damn should of parked on the street and get a ticket, it would of cost less than fixing the car. BTW this did not happen to me but thought I would share the video with you all.
  11. You could join the "Poly Party Group" in the social groups on here. This will give you ideas of who is into that.
  12. Good luck SNMD, it's been nice having you here and sharing your experience with us. Hope you found a good one. Best of luck.
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