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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. This is a great tune to start off slow and finish fast. Bolero by Ravel
  2. NotchJohnson


    You are very sexy Sasha!
  3. NotchJohnson


    Very beautiful and sexy legs Sasha!
  4. Congrats Cat, well done and appreciated work, keep sharing your thoughts and ideas we love them. Hugs and kisses, NJ
  5. Love the way Cassidy hold on to Hilton and the look on their faces!
  6. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be just like my dad, strong, smart handsome, funny, and he loved my mom. In my early teens I noticed my dad was always at work and I would only see him on weekends, he never had the chance to play with us, or take us fishing like all the other fathers did. Late teens I started cooking and enjoyed it very much so I had decided to become a chef but in my last year of high school when I applied to colleges he(my dad) said I was to become an engineer so that is what I did. Now with my engineering degree and working for the family business I was never home and then studied to become a firefighter, did that for some years and now back in the family business and never find myself at home just like my dad. How would it had turn out if I would have became a chef?
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