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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. NotchJohnson

    Beautiful and sexy!
  2. C'est super malika que tu est 2000 post, way to go sexy. Here is 2000 spanking by a sexy girl for you, or maybe on her lap...
  3. NotchJohnson


    Me likee the fripples!!
  4. Not really my thing either, tried it once and only wanted to concentrate on my date so it was more a distraction then anything else. Could be great to break the ice but not during the main event.
  5. Happy Birthday Jazy, hope you enjoy your day sexy!
  6. I like Cato for starting excellent social groups such as RHAG etc.
  7. NotchJohnson

    That is exactly what I want for Christmas!
  8. Congrats Julia on your 500 post contribution. Keep posting we love to hear from you.
  9. Celebrating her Birthday also today is classy123, so to you Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy your day!
  10. To the sexy Lexy a very Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy your day!
  11. NotchJohnson


    With all the noise we would be making, you are best to put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the other side of the door!
  12. I have some favorites and here is a starter list of them. Def Leppard-Pour some sugar on me Kings of Leons-Sexes on fire Hinder-Lips of an angel Def Leppard-Love bites Crazy town-Butterfly Micheal Buble-sway http://youtu.be/fqaNMcphCSw
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