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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. Since it summer time and we have really warm weather(here in Ottawa anyways) It would be nice to see pics of Cerb ladies cooling off with whatever they can find be a water hose, eating a popsicle, in front of a huge fan with her hair in the wind etc... Here are some picture I find really hot off from the internet. Who knows you might get some fripples out of it. So this is not a challenge for the nicest pics but a way to have fun and beat the heat.
  2. NotchJohnson


    Agree, gorgeous!
  3. NotchJohnson


    Beautiful face, sexy body and great legs.
  4. Do girls meet up and have a sleep over and feel each others boobs like that? I want to be invited to a party like that.
  5. On a motorcycle while riding it and her, in the back seat of a police cruiser, back seat of movie theater and in a lighthouse in Cancun, Mexico at night against the window while the light was rotating behind us. Additional Comments: The white flag is for "I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed." Ok I think you need some blue as well.
  6. I'm also loving these views above, well done Cato. I also ran out of rep points. If only the mod could give us more rep point to spread around.
  7. Question: Name a french mime who's first and last name is the same except for a few letters. Answer: Super duper
  8. NotchJohnson


    Dear Angel, you look like a beautiful doll. Gorgeous.
  9. I like RG sense of humor and jokes that he post here.
  10. Who has sexy, casual clothing designed for the modern collegiate lifestyle. Trojan
  11. You know you are old when you are offered a discount everywhere you go or just for showing up.
  12. I was going to reply something different then this, until I re read the question. And like so many replied if you have a lady waiting for you and ready to please you a shower does not take long as long as you are not that dirty. If the lady request that you take a shower at her location it should not be included in the time allowed for the visit. Keep in mind that doing the deed does not always take a full hour and if you are done before your time is up please respect the lady and leave within your time limit.
  13. I love it when you clean your house and find a stash of money you forgot was hidden.
  14. Question: what do you eat with the world best burger? Answer: Spiderman, batman and superman.
  15. I have been thinking about that scenario also but was looking for a lady friend first.
  16. I have been to Sincity but I never owned a parrot.
  17. I think it's because you are very good looking that guys like to look at you. But honestly I believe it must be because you know who you are and imagine that everyone else knows. I have a friend that is a millionaire and he won't talk to anyone thinking that they will ask him for money, he is sure that everybody knows. We all have a bit of paranoia and this is what makes you feel that way. When I leave a ladies house I feel like everyone is looking at me and thinking "Wow look at that lucky guy, he just left her place, I wish I was him".
  18. I like how Pete is a pioneer in my eyes and I have much respect for his experience.
  19. It was the "Lido" a buddy of mine pass the bouncer through the front window one night 20 some years ago after he thought we were all englishmen from Ontario and he was stone out of his mind. He did not know we could speak french until it was too late.
  20. NotchJohnson

    Agree, sweet smile and great body!
  21. NotchJohnson

    DSC 5370 ��

    Beautiful little body on Bonnie.
  22. I like Lexy(with a "Y") as her profile say so well for all of her sexy album here on CERB.
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