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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. E- is for Elongation, this I get when with a naked lady.
  2. I have revealed my private part on webcam but I have never drank champagne.
  3. I have snowboarded but I never went in a hot air balloon.
  4. I have seen a koala bear at the zoo but I have never held a snake in my arms.
  5. I like Megforfun sweet lips, both top and bottom ones.
  6. Congrats RG I love reading your post and enjoy your sense of humor.
  7. Way to go qwertyaccount and congrats on reaching 500 post.
  8. I had full penetrative sex while driving and to top it all off it was with a female police officer I was dating. I was driving my pick up truck with the seat all the way back with her facing me, it did start with a bj and I was fingering her but she could not wait until we got home. I would not dare do that today. Another not so dangerous per say was doing it with my girlfriend(20 some years ago) on the couch at her place while her dad was sitting on the lazy boy next to us. Ok he was sleeping but nonetheless he was still near and we were under a blanket.
  9. Now its time for a body search...hand against the wall and spread your legs.
  10. I enjoy Isabella's way of starting new threads that are fun and exciting.
  11. One thing I can't believe is teen porn and/or pedophile filming themselves. This is simply disgusting plus it will affect the kids for the rest of there life.
  12. I quit the fire dept. almost 2 years ago, but I can still go and see if I can help turn down or up the fire.lol
  13. Felicitation Malika, congrats on achieving 1000 post plus. I enjoy reading all of your post. Tu est tres belle.
  14. Congrats Lexy on reaching 1000 post, I loved them all.
  15. Yeah! Lexy reached 1000 post, congrats Lexy, we love you sexy.
  16. I always expect to have a smile, hug, kiss and be happy but the question asked was for clothing when greeted.
  17. As a man I admit I love to see my load on your body, be a pearl necklace, on your bum, or on your face(never seen that yet except when I came in her mouth once and an overflow came out on the side of her mouth before she swallowed).
  18. One of my employee as got a list of excuses for being sick the day after payday: -I had seafood and got a rash -I had a headache -the doctor said its a virus -tooth ache -I twisted my foot -I thought it was a holiday -etc.
  19. I understand why she would do this on an outcall but in the case of an incall I would prefer her to be dressed sexy. I do not really care either she is wearing lingerie or semi clothed or fully clothed but not in the nude. I voted fully clothed but any of the first three answer is good for me.
  20. Did you see that old lady that got burned with the coffee, she had 3rd degree burn on her thigh and they needed to give her skin grafts. The cup of coffee was way too hot, had it been about 10 degree F lower it would not have caused the burn that it did. There coffee maker was set too high.
  21. I have changed my handle about 1 year ago only because it confused some people on here, they thought I was a TS(which no offense if you are looking for one or if you are one). I would recommend Pete that you keep your handle but if you want or must I would recommend you find something similar with the 2 P's(PP) since many people reply to you or refer to you as PP for short. Here are a few examples of what you could use: PeterPan, PeterPuma, PiePete, PeterPlenty, PerfectPeter or PassionPeter etc. We all love you here PP and hope you never change except your name if you must.
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