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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I agree true perfection!!
  2. I had no clue it was your Birthday Megan, I wish you an excellent one you sexy thing.
  3. Nice breasts and nipples.
  4. NotchJohnson


    Love this picture, it looks like your nipples are sticking out to be seen. I love long nipples.
  5. Many Happy Returns Mikeyboy, hope you enjoy your day.
  6. NotchJohnson

    You look really good Shy.
  7. NotchJohnson

    What a great body you have Dolce mia, your legs are awesome.
  8. I'm over 40 and prefer ladies over the age of 21 and up even above 55 if she is still young at heart. I always wanted to try a woman 20 years over my age.
  9. Felicitation Malika, good job, well done. 500 post keep up the good work.
  10. On this special day. As you celebrate your Birthday....Here's wishing for a whole lot of sweet surprise to come your way today and always... Happy Birthday muffin girl.lol
  11. I used to do that all the time until I was in a public bathroom and some other dude took my paper towel, that happened a few time.
  12. I kind of like it myself, the way you said it and trust me I would look at you too and get turned on because I know what he was looking at. LOL
  13. Happy birthday Spinderella and many Happy Returns. Hugs and kisses, NJ
  14. I'll answer your question with my opinion and I would like to ask you one question after with a straight answer. Yes, I find it hot but not in a public place like the mall or sidewalk, but around the pool or at the gym I will take a look and find it hot. Now how about you girls, if a guy walks with a huge bulge in is pants do you look? Stare? Is it gross or hot? Just curious to see what result we will get.
  15. NotchJohnson

    Lana Lee

    Lovely outfit, I like fishnet stockings.
  16. I wanted to make sure you did not have a misprint.
  17. Not to go to far out of this thread I for one couldn't wait to share my experience here on CERB. After reading so many great recommendations and wanting to share the similar stories with others, I made a few dates and only after 4-5 dates was I satisfied enough to share my first ever ideal date. I don't understand why anyone would be wanting to keep it to themselves, even just to say "had a great time and recommend this girl" would be enough. Just my 2 cents.
  18. I agree, just make enough money to pay rent, taxes, food, and gas etc then when possible take time for yourself. In my younger days cell phone did not exist and neither did the internet so if you wanted to get a hold of someone from afar, land line phone was the only way. With today's technology it seems like kids of all ages have a cell phone and are constantly texting or calling each other or online MSN, etc. What will this bring our world to? I have a 23 acre property by a river and I take care of it alone with 12 acres of it being grass I can spend 10 hours cutting it and taking care of flowers and so on. When you enjoy doing this and you are alone doing it, it gives you much alone time to think and figure things out, reflect on what is going on around you in your life. Good thread.
  19. - I clean my toothbrush before and after I brush my teeth and make sure it is apart when I'm done(it's an oral B) and put on the charge. - my food can't touch each other, meat does not touch potato or veggies. - I add real butter to my Orville Redenbacher butter flavor popcorn. - I kiss the inside of my fingers and touch the picture of my SO face on the fridge every time I walk by it. She wants to remove it but I won't let her. - I'll pre rinse a glass that is clean in the cup boards with water from the tap before I fill it up with water from the tap to drink from it.
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