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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. NotchJohnson


    Nice pose for the camera Scarlett, you have got some cute breasts and perky nipples.
  2. Right on Isabella and congrats on reaching the first 500 th post.
  3. I have met some very beautiful ladies from CERB. All of them as beautiful inside and out and got close to many because of your charm and affection you expose yourself out here. I'm very happy to be a part of this fine community we call CERB. You are all very appreciated by many of us, don't ever forget that. Hugs and kisses to you all.
  4. I do not like to talk politics that much because IMHO are we ever going to get a party that will please everyone?
  5. Keep them coming Steve, and congrats on 1000 post.
  6. I was previously known here as T'storm and changed my name just late last year because some thought I was TS and I did not like that, I did not mind T or storm. Fast forward to today I'm known here as NotchJohnson or NJ for short is good or even just Notch I'll take that any day. I've been called the ETP kid (Eat The Pussy). And also been called "Horse" by an Asian girl, even though I told her that I couldn't run fast. Don't know why she did call me that?
  7. NotchJohnson

    Gorgeous legs Sweet Angel!
  8. NotchJohnson

    IMG 0489

    Leila you are gorgeous, love your legs and curly hair.
  9. NotchJohnson

    IMG 0441

    You look damn good in those boots and that is one nice bum.
  10. NotchJohnson


    Like Pete said, well tone body and lovely breasts.
  11. Then join our new group here at http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/group.php?groupid=67 We are waiting for you.
  12. NotchJohnson


    Again, another stunning picture of a beauty.
  13. Here is a little something that happen to me and got frustrated once. I arrange a meeting with a lady 1 or 2 days ahead and she says to call her when I get close to her location on that day. The day comes and I travel over one hour away from home and call her at a gas station near her location. She does not answer and her answering machine is full, what do I do? I wait 15 minutes and call back, same story, wait another 15 minutes and now I'm passed my scheduled time and don't want her to get mad at me. I drive all the way back home and write her to tell her what has happened, she says she forgot about our arrangement. All this to say if she would have left a message saying "I will be away until x time on this day, sorry about missing you etc... It would have been better then wasting my time waiting in my car for so long. Just saying.
  14. Congrats mistert on becoming an Elite member and keep your post coming.
  15. NotchJohnson


    You sure have got a nice looking bum.
  16. NotchJohnson


    Love those long legs.
  17. I love this view of the nice waist and bum and those legs are sexy.
  18. NotchJohnson


    This picture really shows your beauty Victoria. You look amazing in that outfit.
  19. You don't really need all that much for heat and cooking you can cook with only a few candles for example eggs and bread but not steak and chicken. A couple of battery tools are great specially now with LED lights that don't use much electricity. I'm like most here, I have all the necessities in case of power outage to last for about a month but it would not be easy cruisin as it is today with electricity.
  20. I enjoy dirty talk ans such, I'm also a big fan of fantasies. One thing about the dirty talk that I could never do is call any girl either she wanted it or not degrading names like bitch, slut, whore, and so on. I know I would not want to be called bastard or prick or anything else in that form. But everything else is good so bring it on.
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