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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. Very well written boner, the thought of those two girls doing this is so fawkin hot.
  2. A girl once asked "Do you want to go to the movies, have pizza and fuck" I said pardon and she said "what, you don't like to pizza?" I just wasn't sure she said what she said.
  3. Exactly how I like it too, if from previous conversation I requested a special attire and is agreed on then that's what I like. I have met a lady once that received me in lingerie and I was in heaven, just walked in and feeling the satin on her sexy body while hugging her was pure pleasure. I always enjoy helping to remove clothing from a sexy lady.
  4. Doing doggy with an SP that had a nose ring and it got caught in the blankets while her head was rubbing the sheets. She could not get out of that position by herself and I started to laugh so hard, slapped her on the bum and she could not do anything about it. After 2 minutes of me abusing her(not) I helped her out of the sticky situation laughed it out and got back but with another position.
  5. NotchJohnson

    That look would make any men melt.
  6. NotchJohnson

    Love the way your bum looks in this pic and that outfit is perfect on you.
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