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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. Another beauty from redmilemodels.
  2. NotchJohnson

    I love your photo album Mia. PS. I'm glad you are dressed warm, this winter can be cold.LOL
  3. All I can say CATO is that they called me in that day for the picture but I was not available, so I'm missing from this one and I was supposed to be between Adrienne and the blonde girl.LOL
  4. I use to be in chat all the time but this year as been very strange and busy. When I visit the chat room I just like to meet and get to know others that are there. I can talk about anything and everything. It is nice when in chat if someone says "Hello" or "Hi" XXXXX to get a response back. I do understand that some people walk away from there screen once in awhile but when you get back you can still respond. I always say my "good bye" when leaving also, so not to leave anyone hanging if you know what I mean.
  5. Today's technology has evolved in the creation and development of devices that can be detrimental to one's security. Watch this video for more details. http://www.wreg.com/videobeta/?watchId=8ba6f8fc-90a2-4711-90ea-1884ec348310
  6. NotchJohnson


    Hello Jordyn, you are sexy as hell.
  7. NotchJohnson

    Snapshot 20101214 18

    Very sexy perky breast, I would love to be sucking on them for awhile.
  8. NotchJohnson


    I believe I'm due for a threesome.
  9. Your story just reminded me of my younger days, I use to hang around dance clubs when I was younger and sometime I would visit strip clubs before. I would pick up some guy friends and go have a show before going to the dance club. One weekend all my guy friends were out of town and a girl friend asked me if I was going to a strip club before heading to the dance bar and I told her not by myself so she offered to come with me. Needless to say I had a ball with her there all the girls who knew me came and sat with us and asked me if she was my girlfriend or if she was a stripper. We left a little later then usual and went dancing after, it was an evening I never forgot.
  10. If ever you drive by Montreal on the 40 going East you can pull out on the Lacordaire exit and follow the service lane there is a restaurant called "Houster" and I would be willing to say that they are much better looking then the girls of "Hooters". I do travel out West in the states but never in Texas or NM. Some restaurants that I did enjoy the food as much as the girls was "Premier" and "Red Robin". After re-reading my comments and your post, I noticed that you asked if "Twin Peaks" would catch in Ottawa? I would love to say yes but I would like to know why "Hooters" did not work here in first place, this might answer your question.
  11. I just recently started to watch tennis and I think its because of how they finished the game that amazed me. I would like to share with you a little of what I mean.
  12. All the best on your Birthday redmachine, enjoy your day.
  13. NotchJohnson

    Very sexy indeed!
  14. You don't have to be in need of a haircut to go and see Erica, I see her for pedicure and manicure and of course the massage.
  15. Happy belated birthday Rickoshadows. Additional Comments: Happy belated birthday Rickoshadows.
  16. I always admired is great sense of humor. You will be missed Leslie.
  17. In the early 90's I donated my hair for cancer patient just before I became a firefighter. The requirements are not as bad as some think. Hair must be clean and dry Put hair in a ponytail at the nape of your neck You must have at least 8 inches of hair from tip to tip Cut the hair above the rubber band Wavy hair is accepted. Straighten it out to measure for the 8 inches Place hair in a zip bag
  18. A "Thank you" is always welcomed when you helped someone, but when someone as been misinterpreted should there be a "sorry" pm'ed to that member? I did not mean to hijack this thread but it just seemed appropriate at the time, great thread by the way CATO.
  19. The last time I helped a newbie with a recommendation like this he had posted in the wrong section, I'm just being cautious not to give wrong info this time. PS. If voicesurfr still wants any reco. just PM me with your location and I will gladly try to help you in the right direction.
  20. It would be nice to know what part of the country you live in before recommending anyone.
  21. I must admit sweetshay, you have got one hell of a nice bum, it sure is nice to look at.:butt:
  22. NotchJohnson


    I see that you have pearls.....I love giving pearl necklace on beautiful breast.
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