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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I think we all have some insecurity of some kind, and like you I'm sure everyone has a fear of rejection but this is normal and one thing we can't do is get everyone to accept us the we that we are. You are who you are and we love you for it. :razz:
  2. Thanksgiving is about giving thank to all who have influenced your life. And with this great opportunity I want to thank everyone here on Cerb including the Mods and all the ladies and all of my fellow hobbiest. Its also an excellent time to spend with family and love ones to eat turkey, and I just love eating breast.
  3. This is a very nice and thoughtful reminder Loralee, I hope we can keep this circulating around until Thanksgiving is over, but keep this in mind all the time.
  4. I'm against violence let alone domestic violence, treat everyone the way you would want them to treat you. But this one time when I was in my 20's I went to a bar and on my way out in the line up going in this big guy slaps is gf across the face and without thinking I grabbed him by the throat and put him up against the wall until is gf pulled down on my arm and said "let him down he is my bf and he didn't mean it". Two of my friends released my fingers before he turned blue and we left, I have never been violent before or after that I guess I had just lost it then after seeing that.
  5. Cato you are not making this easy by putting two very very attractive ladies in their own ways, Brittany with a fabulous body and a great smile would win my heart but Samantha with her sultry looks would get me hard in no time at all. I have not made my choice yet, but give me the weekend and I will decide wich one I want to bring home with me. I mean vote for.
  6. Congrats to you antlerman for your achievement it is greatly appreciated. You have made my day many time by your jokes and knowledge even if you were laughing about me. I can take it. LOL
  7. I have once put $500 in my GF lingerie drawer(she would never wear any anyways) so that she could not find it. I had forgot about it until she came home from the mall with a brand new leather coat. I asked her how she could afford it and she simply said she found it one night in her lingerie drawer when she wanted to surprise me. She never did wear lingerie that night because she was so happy to have found the money. It was a lesson learned for me. But the money had been there for almost 2 years.
  8. Very good list you have started renegade, I have met some ladies listed here and you are right, they have a huge heart. emma alexandra= Joie de vivre megforfun=great sense of humor I have been waiting for a chance to meet cleo and sara, megans touch I called many time with no answer(I would love to meet her for a sensual body massage), mandalay bay so sweet to read her comments, amelia just makes me smile looking at her pictures and reading her threads, nicollette her love for animals, and alexiss is the kind one. I would like to add Annessa, her beauty and charm and also her knowledge is very attracting. Angela of Ottawa, the mother hen, great quality. Carrie Moon, love her quirky personality. Soleil, caring and pleasing. Tess, courageous. Sin Cindy, very pleasing personality. And so many more.
  9. I have been at the Hilltop before and can tell you I have seen this coming, I just didn't know when.
  10. Thanks for the heads up roamingguy E.D.man and Guy1961 for the possible solution.
  11. NotchJohnson

    how we looken?

    You are looking just fine, how about sex on the beach? it's one of my favorite.
  12. Sounds easy enough to do, I shall try this recipe soon and let you know what I think.
  13. NotchJohnson

    canada 005

    I also Love Canada!
  14. Yes - Owner of a lonely heart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWvzZCZF1gw
  15. Nickelback - Gotta be somebody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjUHwrx_T0M
  16. Stevie nicks - Landslide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhNrrrCCTdA
  17. That is what I would call a true friend. I'm sure you must of had a great time with them again PP.
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