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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. Being a biker and surrounded by people with tats I prefer cute ones then Skeleton heads(sorry capitalman) or blood tats.
  2. Sorry about your lost. I always told my friend and family that if and when I die I want them to celebrate my life and not my death has you did by remembering the good times and share it with friends. Cheer for you mrgreen760
  3. I just got back from my holiday in the USA and visited mostly Maine for there beautiful coast and friendly welcome. While I was walking on the beach this young 20 something girl came up to me and asked for an autograph she thought I was Brad Imes from UFC, Ok I'm tall but not that tall he is 6'7" and he has tats and I don't.
  4. Its like the male is telling her just stay there for a little bit I'm almost done.LOL Additional Comments: I'm sure this little guy is telling the shoe "Who is your daddy, who's your daddy?" lmao
  5. At work the employees put the rest of there fruits in the garbage and what do you know fruit flies are all over the place when you swing the top of the garbage. I bought this thing called VAPONA and just hang it in the top of the garbage can, it kills the little fukkers. Be ready to pay around $15 for one of those at Canadian Tire or Home Hardware, I'm sure you can get them somewhere else also.
  6. NotchJohnson


    You are making it very tempting to touch it, looking very nice.
  7. NotchJohnson


    Love the bum and legs pic.
  8. NotchJohnson


    What a view of your back side Kayleigh, very nice.
  9. Great smile and lovely eyes.
  10. NotchJohnson

    Totally Toned Tess

    I see that you keep fit, that is sexy for me.
  11. NotchJohnson

    You look amazing Brandy, love the outfit.
  12. Everyone I think should be nominated has been already so all I can say is good luck to all and I enjoy being part of this fine board. Hugs and kisses to all(kisses are for the ladies only please)
  13. NotchJohnson

    This must be a fairy tale, or I'm seeing a naughty angel?
  14. Not to brag or show off but I have basically mastered the art of making a woman ejaculate, By this I mean my success rate is 85%.
  15. Men don't need fisting to reach prostate orgasm, I have seen a lady from cerb that gave me my second orgasm easily by inserting one or two fingers in my anus (with a condom). It works well and does not take so long to reach.
  16. You bet antlerman, when I get back from my holiday (which is next week) we need to get together for a beer for sure.
  17. I have found a recording of antlerman exploit and thought I should share with you all. http://www.wimp.com/facepulling/ We are so proud of you antlerman.
  18. I was attracted to Lindsay Wagner(bionic woman) And also Linda Carter(wonder woman)
  19. NotchJohnson

    bent over

    Sexy Paris you are in one of my favorite position to give it to you good.
  20. NotchJohnson

    SAM 0367

    Very beautiful and sexy legs and body.
  21. NotchJohnson

    SAM 0398

    Love the bum picture, Sexy.
  22. Personal physical powers Accelerated healing. Ability to heal rapidly from any injury;. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging. Duplication (physical). Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself. X-ray vision. Ability to see through solid matter. Superhuman senses. Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal human. Mentality-based abilities Omniscience. Ability to know anything and everything. Innate capability. Ability to naturally have skills and/or knowledge typically earned through learning. ESP Empathy. Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others. Physics or reality manipulation Time manipulation. Ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it.
  23. It was in Montreal and I was so nervous(found her on CL), I call and make a meeting for 11am, she tells me to call her when I get to a gas station so to tell me what motel to meet her at. When I get there she says she is running a bit late and to wait, so I did. About 1/2 hr later I see this Cadillac SUV pull in with I'm sure is her and her pimp or bf. She calls me about 20 minutes later to confirm the motel, I show up and as I thought that SUV was there and the pimp was on is way out we shared looks. Now I'm not a little guy being 6'2" and 220 lbs not much scares me so I proceeded with my first meeting. I call back at the number, he answers(first time I talk with him) and tells me the room number where I can find the girl, now I knock on the door and no answer so i knock again and this guy answers the door and he was sleeping and he looked mad, now I'm mad. I call back to give the pimp shit and he says he gave me the wrong room number and now gives me the right number. I knock on the door and it is the girl I have seen on CL, so we have small talk and I ask if I can take a shower and then we can proceed, she agrees. After we are done about 45 min. I take another shower and as I come out of the shower I hear a knock on the door and the door opens within 2 seconds WTF I had another 5 minutes left in the hour so I tell him off and he says f^@k y@# you had over 1 hr and 15 with the girl you need to pay more. I'm a lover not a fighter but don't mess around with me I have a short temper so I told him to back off or thing would get ugly and she told him that it only been 1 hour. That situation almost made me quit hobbying but I checked here on Cerb and it has been smooth sailing since.
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