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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. NotchJohnson

    dark booty

    Lovely bum Mia.
  2. Great video FWD, never heard it before but it got a good ring to it. This is not a bumper sticker per say but is seen behind T-shirt on motorcycle riders. "If you can read this then the bitch fell off the bike" I own a T-shirt like that but my wife won't let me wear it. I wonder why?
  3. "If you come any closer I'll fart" "Proud parent of a __________ University student" "My wife said she was going to leave me if I went fishing, damn I'm going to miss her"
  4. I would have to say mornings are best for me since I would have a hard time to sleep thinking that I will see a gorgeous lady that day. Let alone if I have to wait till the afternoon to see her, but there is always the last minute call that can be arranged any other time be after noon or evening but never past 9 pm I do need some sleep.
  5. I was circumcised as a baby and do not regret my parents for doing so except that it hurt when they did it(yes I cried) and I could not walk for about a year. LOL Another positive note on this is I know when to stop my hand while masturbating without looking down at it. On a more serious note. I believe in having baby boys circumcised, but this is my choice and you should make your own decision on this. Do not let anyone make that decision for you.
  6. never been to either but did try the one in Pointe Calumet ( Super aqua park ) and the price was around $35 per person a day.
  7. I'm with pjrd on this, but I guess in your survey it would fall under skirt so I voted skirt.
  8. I was checking out CL and ended up looking at a sp that offered to look at CERB for reviews.
  9. Being so close to the Quebec border and spending much time there, This video gave me shivers and it is so true that many of them drive right tru a red light and the drinking age is just a suggestion I was 14 when I had my first beer in Quebec. I seen this video before, great to see it again thanks Carrie. I have posted this video before and I find it great.
  10. This is the place to say it out loud. I love redheads, thanks everyone for posting pics of them and to Cato for doing such a good job at creating this group.
  11. NotchJohnson

    Claire Doll

    At 6 ft tall Claire your a tall drink of water and very thirsty.
  12. NotchJohnson

    Claire Doll

    What a great view, no not outside but of your sexy body.
  13. NotchJohnson

    Claire Doll

    You look amazing Claire.
  14. You have got it right mod for the request, and I was just asking the same thing myself. Alley vous payer avec des pieces de $0.25 que vous avez pris du telephone?
  15. For the record and also to the ladies that want to know I'm a little over 35 and a perfect candidate for a great sex. LMAO
  16. Either way for me, you girls all look amazing in my eyes and it's not the glasses that you wear that would make me change my mind.
  17. In second place would be Candace followed closely by Jenn, My first choice was miss Christensen because she looks closely to one my ex gf that moved away when we had just started going out.
  18. NotchJohnson


    I love looking at a young beautiful tall legged girl with firm breast.
  19. NotchJohnson


    Great view of you beautiful bum Isabella.
  20. NotchJohnson


    Very nice body indeed like PP said.
  21. A few years ago where I worked there was 2 girls living next door and they would come outside to tan naked. This got the curiosity of many employees which decided to take there lunch break up on the roof of the factory (childish). From the rooftop you could not see much unless you had binoculars. Men are animals when it comes to naked women.
  22. Awesome video Carrie, I would offer myself to make a real video of CPR with a model like that.LOL
  23. Mr. Clean magic eraser works wonder on many surfaces and works wonder on glass top stove. Additional Comments: Mr. Clean magic eraser works wonder on many surfaces and works wonder on glass top stove.
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