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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I think everyone here as had lust for someone else, but love is totally something else. For someone to love another, must love himself/herself and accept himself/herself the way that they are (height,weight, hair color, culture, etc. ). The most important factor in love for a relationship, it must be reciprocated, you can not love the other one more then they love you. I'm not an expert in this but have been through so many different relationship in my live to discuss a little about it. And I have been on both side of it, meaning I had more love to the other then she did for me and also had less love to the other then she did for me. Either way one of us was not happy in the relationship, and that does not work well.
  2. I read that so many of you write about the good old days. If you are around my age it was at the drive in theaters were all the action was. Lets make a petition to bring them back. LOL
  3. I think I was quite young when I started masturbating, I must have been about 9 or 10 and would wake up with a boner and on a Saturday morning before the cartoons on TV I decided to shake this erection off. I was a bit difficult since my younger brother and I, share the same bedroom. I lifted the blankets and covered myself under and started to stroke this stressed muscle until some stuff came out of it. I was scared and didn't do it till I was about 14 after all the guys at school were talking about it. It became more interesting when I was 18 (still a virgin) and seeing this girl who's parents were very catholic and we agreed not to have sex until marriage. Masturbation was allowed and so we pleasured each other until one day she broke up with me for not giving it to her( penetration ). She got pregnant about 2 years later and have not seen her since.
  4. All I know is it got me closer by 1 hour to St Patty's day and drinking green beer.
  5. NotchJohnson

    Chelsea Chambers

    If you ask my opinion Mizz Chambers, your lungs are very healthy.
  6. Wishing you a happy and prosperous birthday and a sweet night of birthday dreams. :butt:
  7. I would love to see a girl with big clit and get a little snail tracking on my nose and lips. Also love big and long lickable nipples.:motion:
  8. NotchJohnson

    And a nice bum, I must have a visit with you. P.S. I love the way you dress.
  9. NotchJohnson

    You have some very sexy legs Danielle.
  10. Last fall when I was in Maine ( USA ) riding the motorcycle, I stopped at Dicken's orchards for some R&R. After looking around and chatting with the folks there the owner asked if I ever had a dicken's energy cider, I politely told him "no" so he pointed to the fridge behind the cashier and asked me if I wanted a dicken's cider. I was surprised of the invitation and accepted it. Ever since then I like a dicken's cider in the morning and at night. Check out this video of dicken's energy cider
  11. My SO also points them out to me if she see's any good looking girls, but if I'm the one to find them she does get mad. I try not to stare more then 2 seconds, but is sometime difficult when she is not wearing much. These rules don't apply when we travel down south, I can look as much as I want but never allowed to touch. Damn.
  12. There must be a rainbow over Vancouver right now with all that gold for Canada. Go Canada Go. Way to go boys. We love you.:bddog:
  13. There must be a rainbow over Vancouver right now with all that gold for Canada. Go Canada Go. Way to go boys. We love you.:bddog:
  14. It happened at about 22:51 or 10:51 pm and had a magnitude of 3.8-4.0 and it lasted about 25-30 seconds.
  15. Did anyone else feel the earthquake last night? I was on my way to bed when it started to shake the house and move the dishes. There are many more earthquakes lately then there ever was before. I wish I could say it was the sex in bed that shook the house, but that has not happen in a longer time.
  16. It's a product by WET and will shave you rash free, 1 is for women and the other for men. I also use to take silicone base lubricant it makes it very smooth but was harder on the blades. My preference is INTTIMO by WET I even use it to shave my head in the summer time.:butt:
  17. The problem with that is one may develop CMD ( compulsive masturbation disorder ) lol It is difficult for me to plan far ahead like most here, I live about 1.5 hrs away from Ottawa or Montreal and if I schedule a meeting with a lady and when I get to the location where I need to call her and she does not answer or cancels on me all I'm left to do is go out to a restaurant and pig out or go and buy myself gadgets with the money I saved.
  18. I just love the 70's look with the roller skates and the hair style. WOW
  19. NotchJohnson

    You look like you could be a teaser!
  20. Wishing you all the best in the year to come. May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come. :grin:
  21. On a second date with an SP she was waiting for me at the front door of her apartment building and greeted me with a big kiss as soon as I walked in. A second one was seeing this SP for the first time and she was wearing very sexy clothing with a bow in the back, when she asked me to open the gift it was a total surprise which I enjoyed.
  22. NotchJohnson


    Bad girls go on forever.
  23. NotchJohnson


    Good girls finish first.
  24. It is true that Amy is a great person and I can't wait to get to see her again. But only time will tell when she and I will meet again.:confused:
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