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Everything posted by NotchJohnson

  1. I hope that for every candle on your cake you get a wonderful surprise.
  2. You think you're special because its your birthday today. That's complete nonsense... you're special every day. Enjoy your birthday to the fullest.
  3. Remember, you'll be this age for only one year but you'll be awesome forever. Happy birthday Monica.
  4. You are so sweet Eva. Happy Valentines day to you my dear. Hugs and Kisses. T
  5. NotchJohnson


    You are more then fit, you are also beautiful.
  6. NotchJohnson


    Very cute dress for Valentines day!
  7. https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=bccfcc24b4&view=att&th=126bd4595c1fc1df&attid=0.1&disp=attd&zw I don't want to ruin this tread but this is to be seen (funny and sad ). Finger skating
  8. I'm proud to be Canadian. What do you think of this Video? I must agree we love our beavers.
  9. I have seen Amy about 1 year ago and still remember our great encounter. She is to be savored by all who are looking for the best in Ottawa.
  10. Thanks Seymour for the reco on Chase, she will have to be on my list of Sp's to see.
  11. Scratch the older lets put mature gentleman, I always like to use all of my senses during love making. What I'm trying to say is I like to see what she and I are doing, I also enjoy tasting the skin and juices, smell all of her body from the smell of her hair to the tip of her toes, touch and feel every crevices and lumps she has to offer and last but not least hear her moan and tell me what she likes and dislikes. She can also direct my hands and body where it makes her feel good. PS. Stacey, many women have squirted with me that they never thought they could. It is an experience to be lived at least once in your live.:butt:
  12. I love using toys on any women as long as she enjoys it like I do. It never was offered to me from an SP but I use them all the time with my SO (8-10 times a year) As for cumming below the neck, sure that is awesome, below, above, on your back, your legs, your tits, your feet. I love to see myself cum. As for many release, well this is how it goes, if we are to see each other for more then 1 hour sure but don't forget I'm above 40 and the second time around takes much longer for the release. Not for the erection(I want to make it clear). With that being said can you handle the duration of a second round that could last 1.5 hrs. Here is a question for the ladies, I love making and seeing you squirt. What are your thoughts on this?
  13. It did happen to me before that I have met an SP and did DATY and then slipped on the cover and when I pulled out there was blood on it. I was hoping to forget about this event.
  14. I have a foot with no toes ( in my pants ) LOL J/K.
  15. Being from eastern Ontario and my parents both being french with my mother from Quebec, I had no choice but to speak French at home all the time, my post secondary education was in English and I took Spanish to help with foreign relations (affair), very useful when visiting Mexico, Porto Rico and Costa Rica. Spanish is fairly easy if you are bilingual as there are many words from the French, English and Latin vocabulary. I have some European friends that speak about 7 languages but most are similar.
  16. I voted 3 but understand and could get away with 4 but that's pushing it.
  17. You are about to give your release and she says "by the way you only have 2,3,4 or 5 minutes left" and lose all concentration. When that happens to me I just get up get dress and leave and never come back. BTW no reco of the lady either.
  18. A birthday means a moment to share A birthday means a moment to care For a birthday is a special day That comes just once in one year's way For a birthday is a day of hope When you don't mix your wishes with mope And you learn to count the joys it has brought And all life's lessons you were taught And today dear it is your birthday too So that's why I'm sending for you Brilliant thoughts with you to share Your very special day because I care. Happy Birthday! ! ! This is just one day of the year we celebrate the amazing person you are.
  19. The kissing scene between Heather and Bridget. ( I always had a soft spot for Bridget )
  20. Thanks for the reco Pete, if only I could find some time to spend with this lady before she goes away.:oops:
  21. Is that a mirror in your pants? cause I can see myself in them.lol
  22. NotchJohnson

    Nice bum MiaBella!
  23. NotchJohnson


    Looking fine from behind, nice legs and bum.
  24. Do you always wear some sexy outfit like these on dates Naughty Angel? Because you sure look fine in all of them.
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