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Everything posted by Kyra.Graves

  1. These men are professional escorts, only Alex Logan works out of Toronto regularly but they will all travel. http://www.conciergedumonde.com/ I've not met Alex but Lauren Summerhill offers companion services with him and I trust her judgement. http://www.alexslogan.com/ There is Myles Porter from Toronto, he's hilarious. I've met him a couple times as he works with another wonderful lady in my city. I love his personality, has me laughing everytime I've met him. From what I hear he's a talented "member" as well but I can't speak from experience. http://www.theproperharlot.com/mylesporter.html I don't know of anyone in Ottawa that offers services to women but I'm sure there are a few if you check the gay male sites there are likely some that advertise as bisexual and/or for couples.
  2. On any given day I can probably name over a dozen ladies that are touring Toronto at the moment and I think it's a good thing. If the market isn't big enough to support the demand then they won't come or the ladies that lose business will have to work harder, ie. increase the value of the experience should they wish to retain their clients. Yes it can drive the price down on the lower end of the market but in general I find that most clients prefer quality of experience over low price which means the overall service quality has to increase in order to be competitive. When the area is known for bad service and bad providers the number of clients will decrease but when the quality of service in your area is known to be good then the demand also increases.
  3. I've allowed clients to defer payment in the past and likely will again. I have very few hard and fast rules when it comes to a client relationship, if that was the case then I'm not really being reactive to their needs and interests. For a specific example I had arranged some last minute travel with a trusted client, we have always arranged electronic payment rather than cash, it's my preference as we don't have that awkward envelope sitting around and it is often easier for both of us, they don't have to worry about making a large cash withdrawal (sometimes it's larger than ATM limits which can be very inconvenient) and I don't have to worry about making a deposit. Anyway since it was last minute and the agreed upon amount was larger than the daily transfer limit I didn't want to make him jump through hoops to arrange our date, rather he made a couple of transfers in advance, I told him not to worry about it while we were away as I thought it would take away from the date and he paid the balance over a few days upon our return. I personally assess the situation as it arises, I have to have an established relationship with the person, there has to be a reasonable explanation for the deferment, and I ensure that if the payment isn't received it is still an acceptable loss (weigh risk vs. reward). If any of those criteria are not met then I will simply decline or postpone the date until we can make suitable arrangements.
  4. I agree, I think valuation is the most difficult part when someone trades for services. More often than not one party places a higher value on their service than the other party and this can lead to an uncomfortable situation. In addition depending on the service you trade for you can often have the ongoing dilemma of warranty, product satisfaction, etc. If I were to exchange a date for a website who is responsible for updates if I am not satisfied with the functionality of the original site; is the designer obligated to make the requested changes and if so at what rate? Some updates will require more work than a new build (maybe I want a backend system) and some updates would be minimal work (changing a button or link), without an agreed upon rate and proper value on each service you can end up in some rather difficult negotiations. We often find ourselves in that situation when we have paid cash and having no record of sale can further complicate an issue.
  5. Wine? How do I cast my wine vote? If I am having a cocktail I prefer a nice mojhito or sangria in the summer, nothing fancy but a nice refreshing warm weather classic.
  6. Why make it so complicated? As an adult you have a right to your own space and place, you need to set a few boundaries in your own life and it's fair that they respect that. You don't need to provide an elaborate lie, simply say that you "have plans" but would still like to see them and can they provide a time so that you can be sure that you'll be done your errands and be able to set aside time for them without needing to rush off. If they cannot provide an approximate time then let them know that today isn't good for you (just say you have some "stuff" you need to get done and it'll have you out of the house most of the day) but that you will stop by their place when you are not so busy.
  7. Haven't tried them but you may as well call and ask them to send you some pics. :p http://www.indulgeexoticdancers.com/exotic_dancers_fantasy_package.html
  8. I think in these situations you need to think of this as your business, act professional, respectful and with integrity. I've had many clients that I have said no to in the past, some before we meet, some while we are together and some after our date. No one likes rejection and you can always get a little push back for your choice but if you are respectful of him as a person no one will question your integrity. Use I statements, don't reject a future encounter because of who he is let him know that it's because of who you are and your personal comfort levels. Be upfront and answer his questions directly, lying about the reason will read as false and just leave him wondering what he did (or what is wrong with you). Thank them, sincerely. They were kind enough to not only contact you but to show an interest in it again, that is a compliment in itself. As Emma said offer a suggestion of another lady or two; if your reasoning for not seeing him is simply the date didn't fall in range of what you are comfortable with then let him know what ladies might be better suited to his type of encounter. If of course you don't think that anyone will enjoy a date with him or you don't know anyone suited to his preferences then politely explain that. For future reference I believe the best situation is that if you are not having a good time during the date let him know then. It's much harder to hear that someone didn't enjoy your company, didn't share your interests and didn't speak up than to offer the opportunity to make the engagement better for both of you. Sometimes that means refunding and sending them on their way (as you won't find a middle ground) but more often than not you'll find something you both enjoy. Doing so will demonstrate your integrity and I've found most clients respect that. Very few people are truly interested in a one sided date where you are only going through the motions and in general those aren't the people you want to see. Instead speak up at the time, say "hey that's nice that you like that but it doesn't work for me, lets try this..." If you are really enjoying yourself then he'll find a pleasure in that.
  9. I think incall vs. outcall matters in this regard as well. With the quotes you provided I would have thought that about half were incall and the other half were outcalls and some of the "gifts" are more about the specific engagement. In this industry as much as anything else you really just need to apply common courtesy and do as you are comfortable with. If she has come to your location you are the host, offer her water at a minimum and if you and she both drink then maybe a wine or cocktail. If you've come to visit her at an incall it's generally good practice that she offers you a drink, water is the standard but you'll find that some ladies will stock wine, scotch, beer, etc. in order to enjoy a glass with a client (more common in extended dates). Sometimes these items are gifts, like Mr. Green who doesn't expect it to be consumed during the appt. but in general water, ice tea, juice, etc. are more a courtesy, part of being a good host. Other items, books, gift certificates, etc. are clearly gifts and as others mentioned it's not required but can go a long way to establishing a rapport with your date. It doesn't have to be something expensive, I've actually received some gifts that were pretty much free but their bringing it demonstrated a certain amount of caring and effort which can help with the YMMV scale on a first meeting. It's not about the gift itself but about the preparation, a client that took the time to look up my website (eg. like you did to see she prefers water) to make sure that he has that drink in easy reach, or to let me know he's read some of my posts (in order to see where my interests lie) is a client that has put some thought into our meeting. I usually feel safe that if he's made that kind of effort then he likely remembered to shower, clean up and will be respectful of my needs. I've had some interesting gifts in the past and it didn't matter what they spent, what I remember is the effort. I've had everything from a single carrot fresh from a garden (he knew I was a vegetarian), a burned CD with some favorite songs (we played it during the date), a copy of a clients dissertation that was printed off at his work (on a subject he knew I had interest in),a poem he recited (he knew I enjoy poetry), a book by the clients favorite author, to full weekends at a spa, cases of wine and cheese of the month subscriptions (mmmm... cheese!). One thing that I will say is that unless I have already established a relationship with the person something very expensive can make the recipient feel uncomfortable, if it's someone you haven't met and you want to start small and personal. Good luck on your first visit!
  10. There are a lot of services that allow you to hide your IP, I've found this one to be good. The free trial runs slower than the full version, I'm guessing they host all the free trials on a few servers - that and they want to encourage you to buy the full version. http://www.hide-my-ip.com/
  11. I'm always surprised at the number of people that still have cable, for me it's a redundant service. I have a computer, anything I want to watch is available online and either free or significantly less and I've never had an issue with customer service in regards to increased rates or getting refunds. I hook up my computer to the screen I want, an external drive will store all the shows I want and I can take it with me when I want to. I did change ISP's when I made the transition to tv online, I was with Rogers before but they had limits on my bandwidth and so many additional fees which would add up quickly. I decided on Acanac, it's a bit slower but has unlimited bandwidth and is all prepaid so annually I pay my internet bill (approx. $300) and then I'm done. I used to pay the same amount of money for two months of internet and cable with Rogers what I now pay for a year. http://www.acanac.ca/DSL.html
  12. It's a good thing that Christianity has Primates in high places, perhaps they can help quell this disturbing trend! Omehgosh, I agree I think it's just common sense that animals have emotional lives and are thinking beings, the fact that some people think that humans are unique in this type of cognition always surprises me. I cannot imagine a species would survive and adapt to our changing environment without some sort of emotional drive to do so. Cognitive ethology...
  13. Just as well I hear they've been indulging in some pretty unsavory behavior, these primates have no morals at all. Someone has to stop the monkeys from stealing, drinking and whoring! http://thefinanser.co.uk/fsclub/2009/10/money-and-sex-the-twin-engines-of-life.html http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1700821,00.html
  14. I've gone to London several times as well but it's always been by request for a particular client. If there is a lady in particular you wanted to see let her know that you are interested and you might find she is able to accommodate your request to travel. Every lady structures these types of travel requests differently, some will charge an additional travel fee, some will request a min. number of hours, and sometimes a deposit or references are required. If you don't have anyone in mind but rather would like to see ladies touring in your market then you might want to gather a few like-minded gentlemen on a board then let the ladies know that as a group you are interested. If you formed a "London Tour Group" then ladies could easily test interest and post their travel plans for the group. This option would demonstrate to the ladies that their is a market and interest in your city and would allow for shorter appts (30min or 1hr) rather than having to book an evening date which you usually have to do in order to have a lady visit you specifically. Oh and as to why not... well the London market isn't nearly as big as Toronto, nor is the marketing as centralized as Ottawa. The advantage to those markets is you can easily reach your audience to ensure that you have secured your min number of bookings. The London market is spread across several boards which requires a greater amount of time and money in order to advertise a tour, reaching your audience is a lot of work and there isn't a guarantee of interest.
  15. Thanks for sharing that link I hadn't seen it yet. :) This is one of my favorite talks by Jane Goodall, in the beginning she talks about the Chimpanzees use of tools (though not for sex). Of course the sex life of the Bonobo can make many humans look downright proper! ;) http://brembs.net/bonobos.html
  16. I have always found the fun of the overnighter to be in the lack of structure, unlike shorter dates where everyone is somewhat painfully aware of the plans and timeline. Most extended dates that I've been on don't end up following the initial plans and that is where I find most enjoyment. Over the course of the evening you may plan on going for dinner, theatre, etc. but then when you get together you'l find that time just seems to slip away from you and plans fall by the wayside as you get lost in all the little pleasures your date can offer. Waking up and seeing the sunlight shining on a bare leg stretched across your bed, seeing her in your dress shirt as she touches up her makeup (which you messed up a few min. before in your bed) just before you head out for a nice meal, seeing those beautiful blue eyes stare across the table at you knowing that in a few hours those same eyes will be looking down at you as you taste what is now hidden under her fitted black pencil skirt. At least for me that is what the extended date offers that others cannot, the tease, the mental attraction, the opportunity to relax and enjoy the real person, something that isn't always possible when you meet for only a couple of hours and something that can't be planned. It's spontaneous and fun, exploring the natural chemistry that is between you.
  17. I prefer to shave, as was previously mentioned I don't like to wait for the regrowth that is necessary for waxing. This is my current razor of choice... It's fairly small and maneuverable which matters in those tight corners. ;) I don't always use shaving cream, probably should but I have fairly fine hair and pretty good skin. I also use a couple of exfoiliants depending on the areas which prevents any ingrown hairs, so I haven't had any issues in years. I use Lush Sandstone Soap on the more coarse areas and Angels on Bareskin on any more delicate areas. http://www.lush.ca/shop/products/bath-shower/soap/sandstone- http://www.lush.ca/shop/products/face/cleansers/angels-on-bare-skin
  18. I disagree with that, I think far too many people in this industry underestimate their actual costs. If one does an actual analysis on costs to run their business it is no different than any other industry. Being aware of each expenditure is what allows you to spend money effectively. :)
  19. Levitt and Dubner are great - Freakanomics is one of my all time favorite books. :) I've also been following the research of Sudhir Venkatesh for years now, his book Gang Leader for a Day really captured my interest then to discover that Prostitution and the social economics of the industry was one of his pet projects... well I think I fell in love. :oops: ;) http://economics.uchicago.edu/pdf/Prostitution%205.pdf http://www.sudhirvenkatesh.org/projectsresearch/sex-work
  20. *sneaks in wearing a Seymore disguise* Noir at Mirage http://www.mirage-escorts.com/noir/pic3.png Laitika from Dreamakers Mia from Garden of Eden Okay so I'm not really Seymore but I wanted to play this game too! :mrgreen: He can spank me later for butting in on his challenge.
  21. Sorry I don't travel very often as I have other commitments, so if I am planning a trip to one city it negates travel to another. You can always visit me in Toronto though, it's not all that far. ;-)
  22. Thanks Cato - It was great to finally meet you, it really had been a long time in planning. Boner (gosh I think I blush when I write that!) I have been on the fence about an Ottawa trip for quite some time now... but it's looking like there just might be 2 nights in my Ottawa future. Will have to see but more and more it's looking like a possibility.
  23. In order of my preference... http://www.undercovercondoms.com/Condoms/Okamoto/71/Beyond-Seven.html http://www.undercovercondoms.com/Condoms/Kimono/35/Kimono-MicroThin.html http://www.undercovercondoms.com/Condoms/Durex/202/Durex-Extra-Sensitive.html
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