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About gqstyle

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    General Member

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  1. gqstyle


    Love it! Always checkin ya 😉
  2. FbI has seized Backpage..with CL removed Personals section I wonder how much business will be lost
  3. There's Paradise Spa (MP) in Bell's Corners
  4. gqstyle

    20160402 201149

    Very nice!
  5. It's nice to look at but it's not a dealbreaker if there isn't any either. As long there is sexy pictures I'm good ;)
  6. gqstyle

    2014 06 26 15.33.25

    Very Nice!
  7. I was at Barefax last night and had dances with Malika (brazilan) and Belle, does anyone know if they offer extras?
  8. What a loser!! Sorry to hear that it happened at your Spa.
  9. Just woke up from a nap, my Boxing Day shopping was quick..at Future Shop.
  10. Glad everyone had a great time, i couldnt make it for personal financial issues. Hopefully i can make it to the next one.
  11. Agreed, this year's cast are afraid to make big move and instead does what the house wants..backdooring Amanda wouldve been a big move. Nice to see/hear them talk about BB Canada. Hopefully season 2 will be better.
  12. This season by far the worst season, it's more like 'The Real World' show. Amanda is ruining McCrae's game. I think Aaryn will either be the first or second one on the jury. Andy and Jessie are major floaters, Amanda will be joining Aaryn. McCranda is the weirdest showmance ever!
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