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Everything posted by gqstyle

  1. gqstyle


    Love it! Always checkin ya 😉
  2. FbI has seized Backpage..with CL removed Personals section I wonder how much business will be lost
  3. There's Paradise Spa (MP) in Bell's Corners
  4. gqstyle

    20160402 201149

    Very nice!
  5. It's nice to look at but it's not a dealbreaker if there isn't any either. As long there is sexy pictures I'm good ;)
  6. gqstyle

    2014 06 26 15.33.25

    Very Nice!
  7. I was at Barefax last night and had dances with Malika (brazilan) and Belle, does anyone know if they offer extras?
  8. What a loser!! Sorry to hear that it happened at your Spa.
  9. Just woke up from a nap, my Boxing Day shopping was quick..at Future Shop.
  10. Glad everyone had a great time, i couldnt make it for personal financial issues. Hopefully i can make it to the next one.
  11. Agreed, this year's cast are afraid to make big move and instead does what the house wants..backdooring Amanda wouldve been a big move. Nice to see/hear them talk about BB Canada. Hopefully season 2 will be better.
  12. This season by far the worst season, it's more like 'The Real World' show. Amanda is ruining McCrae's game. I think Aaryn will either be the first or second one on the jury. Andy and Jessie are major floaters, Amanda will be joining Aaryn. McCranda is the weirdest showmance ever!
  13. I read the spoilers so here's the deal Amanda will be the 3rd nominee, Spencer wins PoV and Candice is the replacement. Judd is MVP. As much as i hate Aaryn, she isn't a threat to the game anymore. Amanda needs to go!
  14. What? You're a Habs fan? I'm disappointed my dear..lol ;)
  15. It would be hard for sure...but everything in life has obstacles. Find the right guy that can overcome that in the long run (which i think would be the hardest) short term dating is little bit more easier.
  16. I was hoping to go but it'll be Game 5 on Thursday night so my Sens comes first..lol hopefully next time.
  17. I go tanning about once a week @ iTan, like the old saying goes moderation is key. Tanning outside in the sun is just as dangerous but we still do it.
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