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Everything posted by gqstyle

  1. Here are my fav restos in Ottawa: Milestones, Fratelli's, Steak, Red Lobster, 1000's Island Sushi in Barrhaven, Sushi Kan and Moxies.
  2. Sorry couldn't make it last night, was invited to the Sens game at the last minute. Hope all went well.
  3. Will try and make it this time, missed the past 2 events..so count me in ;)
  4. Yeah thats what i meant...strippers don't hookup with customers so the way to do it is to not get lapdances, approach them and talk to them normally like you would any other girl, treat them with respect.
  5. gqstyle


    I want you too ;)
  6. There are ways to pickup strippers without having to pay them.
  7. I missed it again...last minute change of plans. I will def have to come to the next one.
  8. For me, the gym is my way to de-stress, or go to the beach when i have time.
  9. Might be available to drop by but not sure yet..
  10. How's the turnout so far, I might showup later
  11. Damn, I think I may have to find some time to see her soon..
  12. I'll most like be there for 5ish after work...anyone planning to be there around that time? if not i can hang at Rideau till 6pm
  13. I was there at lunch time, long lineups everywhere!!! Well worth it though..hmmm ribs...
  14. I was at a work retreat, it interrupted a presentation. We didnt think it was an earthquake at first.
  15. If I head there after work, I'll be still dressed in my work clothing, I'll get a Metro paper to be noticeable.
  16. I can be there for 430-5ish since I work downtown already..I might not recognize anyone though..lol
  17. Yeah I might head there for lunch on Thursday or Friday, I work downtwon so it is convenient, gonna use work taxi cheats.
  18. I could attend that one, after work since I work downtown
  19. lol, I just saw this topic now, I missed out, when's the next one?
  20. too bad she's in the east coast...or esle id give her a try.
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