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Everything posted by whiteman

  1. Well, I got a deal on some Blackberry phones from Wind Mobile, so I went for it. I never used BB's before, so everything is a bit new to me. I would like to use Wi-Fi network connections whenever I'm in a place with a Wi-Fi network, like at home. I've set up the Wi-Fi network properly, and I see that it's connected by the icons, but I still get the feeling it's using the cellular data plan instead, because it's so slow. Also I was reading some faqs that said various BB functions no longer work if you're not using the Rim data plan. Is this true?
  2. Sometimes the spelling errors are strategic, so cops with too much time on their hands don't do a simple keyword search and start targeting someone, just based on words in an ad. Another possible strategic reason behind it could also be because of psychology. If you look at the horrid spelling of texting kids, you might be fooled into thinking that the one putting up the poorly-spelled ad is a very young person. And youth is a strong sell in this business, although I don't agree with it myself.
  3. Angel's Touch was almost a family business at the beginning. Angela and her cousin-in-law, Jen, worked together for ages.
  4. Can't remember them all. Some amazing times, though.
  5. She's also getting back into stride after all of that time off.
  6. Their old website has been moved. I can't give you the new one, just call them up directly, and ask for the new one. There's a registration process for it now, that's the only difference.
  7. I think we can agree that something is an addiction if it starts affecting other parts of your life, like your finances.
  8. Scientists Discover Gene Responsible for Cheating and Promiscuous Sex Habits - ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/Health/scientists-discover-gene-responsible-cheating-promiscuous-sex-habits/story?id=12322891
  9. Yup, I employ the exact same tactic. And I've had the same response once or twice. But it's not a "lately" thing, I've had this response come back to me for years. So you must've been extremely lucky to only have it happen to you recently. I usually just give them a name of a girl that worked there, and they'll say she's not in today. Then I'd ask who is working today, and then the real answer comes back. Don't know why you're worried about this dance, as even the "who's working today" question is part of the same dance. If you can't think of a girl's name, then I just admit I can't remember them.
  10. Well, that really is the controversial part of it. Are you MILF because of your offspring situation, or are you MILF because of your age category? Is a 24-year old young mom a MILF? How about 21-years old? How about 16-years old? Does it make sense to call a single-mother still in high school a MILF? Also some older women have never had a kid, so is she still a MILF? I suppose they have a more generic term for older hot ladies, which I guess would be cougar. But you get the picture, which is the more important criterion?
  11. Just wondering, if MILF usually refers to hot older women who are moms, what would you call a hot young mom? Is she still a MILF? Any other words for this? I heard of Yummy Mummy, but I think that still applies to hot older moms, right?
  12. No, the OP was not looking for a bbbj with anything, so nobody has any quibbles with him. It was a later poster, who was also an "Elite" member with 500+ posts to his name, that asked about the bbbj at a massage place. That was totally inappropriate at so many different levels.
  13. Another girl to try there is Vivian. Spinner.
  14. Actually, sometimes you look at a question and think it's got to be a newbie asking this, and then you see that they've got hundreds of messages to their name, and it's all you can do not to push your hand through the monitor. A newbie can be told politely to look elsewhere, but you shouldn't need to tell a 500+ poster of this.
  15. Shara/Sarah/Samira used to work at BC at one time. I was thinking that maybe she would be moving back to BC after the problems at ALO, but it looks like she's gone to CMJ instead.
  16. It would seem they have daytime jobs, therefore this is their secondary jobs.
  17. You can't, Riley and Lisa are weekends only.
  18. Oh, nice, looks like everybody is there now.
  19. From what I've been told, she's got some similarity in looks to Summer. There's some descriptions of Summer here.
  20. But if it's moved indoors, isn't that exactly what everybody was looking for? That is, that it is not public on the street anymore? Additional Comments: Interesting, so did you and her work together for a time? Did she ever mention why she was a sex worker, i.e. was she doing research, or paying her way through school, etc.?
  21. I used to know a masseuse who was phobic about feet, she just didn't like the way they looked in general. It didn't matter if they were perfectly normal, she was just afraid of them, much like somebody else might be afraid of spiders or snakes. :)
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