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Miss Maria

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Everything posted by Miss Maria

  1. I decided to come down on a whim last Easter Monday and met with old time favourites. Alot of Ottawa men have visited Montreal in the past to play around and that is one reason why I go to Ottawa: to see my regular clients. Some guys like variety but others, when they have found something perfect for them, will stick to it. Alot of people also prefer not to hobby in their home town or with local girls because they fear bumping into someone they know. I do not feel like I am in competition with any ladies. Everyone has their style and beauty and attitude. Everyone is different, but I see that everyone seems to like Ottawa! Hot Horny Men are always FUN! Maria XXXX
  2. OH YES! Nice manly hands are so sexy and even better when mixed in with beautiful eyes and FULL KISSABLE LIPS (My favourite thing on a man!).
  3. Body odor of any kind is a huge turn off. I also hate long or dirty fingernails or toenails.. eeewww.. I have this huge pet peeve about people who clip their nails in a public place. Yes, it happens all the time, in the bus, metro, park bench. I just don't get it.. clip your nails at home! The sound of it makes me wince just like the sound of nails on a chalk board or a fork scratching a plate.. frissons!! :)
  4. First of all it is politically incorrect to say third world country.. plus some of the countries he quotes were part of the 2nd world countries. 1st world equalled democratic industrialized country so the us and its allies, 2nd world equalled communist industrialized country so russia and its allies, and thrid world was the rest, so the non industrialized, and the ones in state of conflict or just the neutral, non-alligned countries. Since the communist governement of Russia fell down in the cold war, so has the second world. In academic circles it is better to use the terms, developing country or newly industrialized countries. They should learn how to speak properly. Second, 'When a country legalizes prostitution, it lives off the avails of prostitution through taxation and in effect becomes a pimp.' HELLO, it might be illegal in canada to live on the avails of prostitution but its not like that everywhere. Plus, you don't think that fining or liscencing these ladies isn't living off the avails.. thats what we do in Canada. I believe the big problem people have is not with selling sex for money, but deep down it is about women sexuality. As a society we have trouble accepting that women enjoy sexuality, or have the possibility to enjoy sexuality. This goes as much for the wives and girlfriends then for the prostitutes. How can I be a victim if I see sexuality as something positive, a sharing of personal moments and erogenous zone. A coming together of two human beings in a pysical and mental way with sensuality and passion at times, but in an animalistic sweaty active fun playful act at other times. In the conversation about exploitation, we need to seperate the ladies who are victims: trafficked, underaged, controled by pimps, raped ect, with the ones entering this by choice of profession. I want a source for the 89% of prostitutes want out quote. I am sure that study is biased like most studies involving humans especially ones using a moralistic approach.
  5. Guys: 1. George Clooney mmmm.. I LOVE YOU! The BEST smile EVER! 2. Javier Bardem.. Especially in Vicky Christina Barcelona... HOT 3. Dwayne Johnson THE ROCK! cuz well.. Look at him! 4. Gilles Marini - The Sex In The city Movie naked guy.. did you see his shlong? 5. Adam Rodriguez from CSI MIAMI.. MMmmm.
  6. That is really bad! But maybe something happened.. a last minute visit from a family member or boyfriend or who knows.. Sometimes we could be put in positions where we cannot cancel. I say wait a little while and perhaps she will give you an explanation. Why would someone stand you up for no reason anyways? That is not nice at all, and she probably likes seeing you as much as you do.. We need are clients too and try to always treat them with the most respect, but sometimes things can happen. I am sorry for you and hope it all works out! If this can console you, we get stood up ALL THE TIME! XXXXX
  7. Spank you Carrie! ;) How are you doing lovely girl??? I wouldnt solicite.. just make him understand that I am a student who has trouble paying for shcool. :) Maria xXXXX
  8. Are there any pick up bars for us Female Companions? Are there places we can go where the men who are there would have an idea that we might be open for play if they 'take care of us' ? Any such place in Ottawa? Maria XXXX
  9. I agree with you completely that these moralistic people can talk and talk, they still don't make sense. How can they say that I am exploited and a victim when I certainly do not identify as one.. Maybe I am sooo stupid I don't get it yet that I am a victim? No, I am just a woman who appreciates and enjoys her sexuality and who doesn't mind sharing it and make a living at the same time! The big problem is that My money as a tax paying citizen, is recently going to organizations who are abolitionnists and who have this idea that Sex work is not work but exploitation. They are the ones getting subsidies for researches, therefore the researches are biased. I do not agree with that and I do think we have to stand up and face them, or at least tell our side of the story and aim for objective research in this field. :)
  10. Cloe, I really agree with what you say in your post. I don't even like the terms services or menu, it doesn't resonate with an encounter with me.. I am just myself like I would be with a boyfriend, the things I do, I do them because I want to... not because someone if paying for a service or menu item.. Therefore the a la carte thing doesn't work. The people I meet pay to spend time with me.. I though Dummpy was clever with his, "sure you can have a 200 session, it will be one of the best 30 mins of your life, when should I expect you?" But, for me, the 'No, I don't negotiate, please do not contact me again' is what I prefer. If a person is disrespectful by negotiating, I am scared he might be disrespectful in other ways.. and since my safety can be compromised in this hobby, I prefer not to take any chances.
  11. This is very smart! ;) Don't mind if I use it! But I have to admit that sometimes it is a bad feeling also.. A feeling that the guy doesn't respect you or your 'profession'. Maria XXXX
  12. Miss Butterfly, I have to agree with you 100% that it does make me sound arrogant or even cocky to say this, but I really believe that every moment is a priviledge. I believe in respect and appreciating every moment. And well, I do think I am special, as is everyone. I do feel It is also a great priviledge that I have, to be able to work in this buisness and meet wonderful people and be attractive enough and enjoy intimate times enough and be a good people person.. yes I am also lucky to be able to live of this buisness and to meet men who are nice to me. I just find it extremely disrespectful of men to ask for discounts and make me (or any woman) feel like they have to do what ever they want. I get frustrated by injustice and disrespect, I can't help it. It must be my passionate nature.
  13. Well I think a girl should stop working if she doesn't enjoy it anymore.
  14. Like I said, this is not a problem I encounter often.. I just felt like letting off a little bit of steam. ED you are right about people not reading.. And these people are the ones running the government and buisnesses... scary! :) It is part of the buisness and it will not go.. I accept that, but felt like expressing myself on the subject. ;) Maria XXXX
  15. If you think this thread doesn't belong here, can you let me know how to delete it?? Thanks Brandi, yes sometimes it is a little bit annoying and I joke about it.. but sometimes they think thats being bitchy.. Like if the guy goes: how much is it.. 250 for an hour?? I say: wow you can read.. but not in a sarcastic way... just in a 'cute I am playing with you' way.. Sometimes it upsets them.. Why? Should I always be submissive and answer all questions in a sweet come take me now way? It doesn't make sense to me. This is why I usually stick with email requests only.. lol
  16. It does not happen often, but Cloe your suggestion is great.. I am sure some will always try though. It just happened to me this morning and that is why I posted.. I guess from a little bit of frustration. I always feel bad when hanging up on someone, but I really refuse to waste my time with people who disrespect me.
  17. I just wish to let you know that I will not answer your emails, I will hang up on you and I will refuse to meet with you. It is sooo disrespectful. It is already a really big priviledge that you have to even be able to spend intimate times with a girl like me. If you want a girl for 200, do your research and find one who charges that.
  18. Most of my good friends know what I do, Some people I meet in my life (newcommers) I do not mind revealing this part of me to, but only after knowing them for while. Everytime it has been very well accepted. At school, I am very involved in prostitution issues but I do not let anyone know that I am involved in the buisness as well because.. well, it is my future profession and people still see the hobby as something negative. I wouldn't want this to affect my possibilities in the future. My only great great fear is that my parents find out. They would be devastated. I am really a good girl from a good family and it would break their hearts and make them worry sooo much.. they would wonder what they did wrong and everything like that.. I don't even see this buisness as something bad. I am a smart University student who has worked in other feilds and travelled around the world.. Prostitution is a part of my life but it does not define me as a human being. I am much more then a unidimensional worker. But of course, alot of people would not understand that. Hence, the sevret life. Maria XXXX
  19. Or maybe when I find the right one, it will stop being scary... Or maybe I will be an old maid all my life.. I actually do not even mind this idea.. 'never married, but had many lovers (instead of the many cats..)' :)
  20. I don't know if I would want to keep doing this work if I meet the right guy.. I am scared to meet him and I am scared to fall in love cause I am scared to lose a bit of myself, this job included.
  21. For me, on the other side of the spectrum, I trade off being in a relationship (or actively looking or considering men for relationships) and decide to work instead. I love working in this hobby. It allows me to decide when I work, where I work PLUS it is soooo fun! But I would imagine it difficult for a guy to accept that his new girlfriend does this. I often meet interresting men, but I never let it go far emotionally because I am certain that they wouldn't want me in this, and right now in my life, I just don't want to give it up! I am addicted to the hobby and therefore stopping many wonderful possible relationships.
  22. I am very very single so please come take advantage of it while it lasts.. You never know when you will fall in love!! :)
  23. I have had frequent emails trying to negotiate but its never happened in person. Rule number one: There is no negotiation allowed. If you aren't happy with the price of a mercedez, buy a chevrolet.
  24. I have had frequent emails trying to negotiate but its never happened in person. Rule number one: There is no negotiation allowed. If you aren't happy with the price of a mercedez, buy a chevrolet.
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