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Everything posted by bylogger

  1. If you really want to turn things off, power down on the computer, then turn off the power bar. That way the trickle charge that keeps the printer, computer, modem, monitor and any wireless stuff ready to power up fast is also turned off. The only reason I would keep the computer on is if I fear that the power switch might not work. Even then it is an inexpensive replacement. There used to be a fear of lightning strikes overloading the computer. These strikes seem to be rare in the city.
  2. Is it my imagination? Or are there more Ottawa postings than other cities across Canada? If so is it because the higher posters are located in the capital and thus skew the numbers (now that Emma A is in the big O)? Or is it the name of the city... the big O? (I did a search but did not see a similar thread)
  3. This goes back a bit. I got to know my friend before I discovered she had career plans. She was "adventurous". This was all back in the early 80's. Sadly a drunk driver went through a red light, and she was gone. So would I date or marry someone in the business? Yes.
  4. I am sure you were joking about the fresh chickens. They are actually ducks. And delicious of course.
  5. As much as I like to think about young women, I prefer an SP in her 30s. And I am still 20 years older than they, so I get the feel of a young woman.
  6. thus: hobby, hobbier, hobbiest ach! grammar is invading cerb.
  7. I enjoy breasts, small or large. I think its the size of the nipples that do it for me.
  8. and you want to bench press two women, as well?
  9. Looking at the bar graph the image of a carnival horse race came into my head. You remember the carnie horse race, with water pistols that you shot into the mouth of some plastic target, and the horses above moved alond. The winner got a toy. Well, at this time of the morning, it is a thrilling race to watch. Good luck and best wishes,
  10. As a consumer should I let a provider know my ears are smaller now (my avatar)? Silliness aside, I make my choices based on the SP's face. I even like the sight and texture of a bald headed woman. But, in general, I do not like unnotified changes.
  11. I had never heard of the Italian Chandelier, so I went looking: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Italian+Chandelier and for a couple of dolls from a pain commercial doing it: http://www.sexualpositionsfree.com/chanposakait.html
  12. My experiences are few and far between, and as such do not reflect the "newer" SPs. Thankfully.
  13. What a treasure this thread is. Thank-you. These photos have confirmed that as turned on by a well formed landing pad as I am, it is the face that catches me. Keep up the research!
  14. I can well imagine copycat images appearing across the country, helping those poor travellers who might need some roadside relief on their tedious journeys.
  15. In discussing this article should we look at it from a "rights", a "my morality", or from a "quality of journalism" perspective? The starting point can change the argument. "rights" Feminism (be it the right wing or left wing variety) provides differing platforms. For example, is sex for money an exploitation of women? Or is it an exploitation of men? Do women have the right over their body, and if so, why can they not deny or provide sex if they so choose? "my morality" this alone is a huge debate, whether humanist, or religionist. In my morality it is about not doing "harm", be this emotional or physical. On one hand the act itself is purported to destroy the healthy mind of the sex worker (male or female), on the other hand it is another skill, another trade, as dangerous as coal mining. As a skill it is certainly to be respected. Think of it as dance and applied psychology rolled up (or roled up if you prefer the pun) in a very effective package. As many men on this list know sex providers (paid or in kind) have varying levels of skill, and that skill is developed, not something we are all born with. (Oops, this may be deviating from morality) "quality of journalism" rarely are the journalists experts in their field. They interview people who may have opinions, rather than facts. To present a "balanced" view they need to include the voices of those who have hard line stances that may not truly represent the situation. Hmmm. So what to do about the journalists? Well, the sex worker initiatives could certainly empower the field. But only if the word gets out in a positive manner. If a police officer gets shot in the line of duty, she is a hero. If a sex worker gets killed, he was not. So maybe the sex workers need to write columns for main stream media about their experiences, their perspectives. Like the homosexual community, to gain acceptance is going to be an emotional, and difficult ride.
  16. I find it amazing that in my lifetime the laws, if not everyone's attitude, has moved from homosexuals as a security threat and on the DSM-III as a mental illness, to neighbourhoods in Toronto and same-sex marriage. Such a mind shift in so short a time is amazing. Who were we Canadians in the 50's, and who are we now. Boards such as this are only part of that delightful change.
  17. It was on Doc Zone Thursday evening, on CBC. The alibi company was a one minute segment of the larger issue of lying. The rest of the program looked at why we lie, can we really detect liers, and why do we need lying. The show was nicely done, really.
  18. Fascinating documentary on CBC: The Truth About Lying. There was an intriguing business mentioned, Alibi Network. http://www.alibinetwork.com And if that does not help, in Japan there are professional apology services which include the delivery of flowers and chocolates.
  19. I may be picking up speed, but I feel like a youth. Or is that act like a youth. Hmmm.
  20. Poor Newfoundland with town names such as Dildo, or Comebychance.
  21. I feel in need of a donut, duh. And here I was thinking "musical" album. And I was thinking Duke Ellington, or Ray Bonneville, or the Beach Boys. Now where was I again?
  22. Third year entry! That is wonderful. Avoid all the boring intro stuff, and straight into seminars and papers, the meat of academia. You will bring a valuable view point to the discussions. Best wishes
  23. I am impressed! Not very many businesses would be so up front and honest about the business model. Mod, you inspire. That is why I nominated your business model explanation. Thank-you
  24. In a different service industry I have noted that sometimes people do make "accounting" mistakes. Usually, they are not deliberate. Most people do respond positively. though with embarrassment. A very few people do not even know they are in error. Does one write off the small loss against the larger gain? A marketing question. I know what I have done, I take the opportunity to verify the accounting for that customer from then on.
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