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Everything posted by bylogger

  1. I agree that attitude is so important. And now I understand why Emma A has such wonderful reviews, and is loved by all who meet her.
  2. There was recently a thread about what we think of as kinky. I'd like to take a little diversion from kink to turn ons. What is it that is most important to you about deciding to visit one of the girls? I am a face man. A pretty face, sweet eyes, and then a lovely neck, and I am a goner. I have literally fallen for a women by looking into her eyes, and feeling like I have found bottomless pools from which I do not want to leave. After that it is the texture of a soft sweater when I am dancing with my partner. Legs are nice, but somehow the hands are more important to me. Things I think about as I shovel out the snow. It helps keep me warm.:lol:
  3. Thanks PistolPete for the value added information. My posting was not really a cry for help. I was favourably remarking on the improvements in condoms over the last 30 or so years. But I did enjoy the extra reading, again thanks
  4. Back in the 70's, whenever I used condoms, I found that I felt very little, and usually took a very, very, long time to get where I was going. Since the latex tended to reduce my pleasure I was not a happy man (but maybe my partners would say something else ... or not) These days with non-latex condoms I am finding that the sensations are better, I am more responsive, and enjoy the experience with more zest. So is it just me, or have you noted an improvement in condom technologies. I did read the condom measurement thread, and that is a separate, though growing, thought.
  5. I am just plain vanilla. I was asked once to play with chocolate syrup on both or either of us, but declined. Kinky for me is role playing. Pretending, having her dress up, slow motion on the unbuttoning, and uninhibited language. Oh and threesomes. I think where it happens is also part of the kink. The degree of risk at both of us being seen. But many of the harsh treatment routines just do not interest me.
  6. This brings back good memories. I remember carrying blankets out into the woods on a winter's day (about minus four). A layer beneath, and a blanket above, and I was so distracted I did not notice the weather at all. And yes, up against a tree was wonderful, with a partner who enjoyed the risk as well. On a beach in Algonquin Park (interior). But there is a problem with sand, even when using a mix of clothes and towels as protection. In the water. Nearly got caught by a flotilla of day canoers. The great outdoors, is great. Now adays I do like a nice mattress, just getting older.:wink:
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