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Everything posted by etasman2000

  1. i'm interested in the legality of it. anyone can subscribe including a minor. depending on what is discussed this might get eh...interesting
  2. I agree. To expect the SP (heh why can't the SP be male ?) to stop working entirely is a bit too much. Is her new love partner going to support her lost in income. After all, there usually are monetary reasons why she is an SP to begin with. Plus if she stop, loses her client base and the relationship doesn't work out she now has to start from square one. Ultimately it is a question of respect. Does he respect the choices she is making to remain as an SP ? Does she respect the boundaries he might have regarding her profession ? Former SP/MA. It's more a question of are they both comfortable/secure in their relationship to have the topic brought up. To answer your question Ava, I would keep my mouth shut out of respect for the both of them.
  3. Just for you Apex :) d- s-:- C++ LB U++ P+ L++ E+ W+ w O++ M+ PS+ Y++ PGP++ 5+ R+++ b++ e++
  4. Unfortunately it won't as cookies do not hold the DNS entry. There are usually 3 places which this entry is located: on your local computer, your home router (if you have one) and your ISP. You could reboot your router and local computer to clean those out however until your local ISP has the new information it won't do much good. Once the local ISP is updated any router or local computer tends to follow suit without intervention.
  5. I don't think you should entirely. There are well run agencies around and also agencies run by the SP themselves. My hypothesis is having gone through it an SP run agency might bias itself in favor of the provider. As a shameless plug have a look at this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7425
  6. what kyra_to didn't say was she was also playing 6 way chess online, juggling 4 knives and tapping the the Swan Lake theme with her left toe.
  7. i had the same issue trying for sexy_brooke's album but a back click and a retry solved it. i.e. can't just be suspended account
  8. the question though is can we view this board ? if yes what does it mean the hobbiest with top ratings ? what does it mean for someone with low ratings ? would an SP have to TOFTT as well ?
  9. devastating on both counts. My boss is very conservative older gentleman while my family would consider it a betrayal of principles. Discretion to its upmost always.
  10. Time mostly, when I visit during the day I have to catch up with work at night or over the weekend. The money does come up from some of my retirement funds but may as well enjoy it while I am able to remember how :)
  11. Thanks for the clarification and update. I know there has been some head scratching going on and worried individuals. IMHO SP are hardest hit when they see their reputation bounce around without rhyme nor reason. Their concerns are valid as any new comers or even returning old may take the low/negative reputation at face value. Further I'm not sure how many individuals follow this thread. Perhaps a Message of the Day or a change to the login message (the 'Click here if your browser doesn't automatically...") to indicate reps are beta might soothe concerns. Again my thanks
  12. have you considered looking in London, UK ? there are several subs listed, at least 6 from a quick google. i'm not sure if they fall within your time period but its worth a shot. and no i haven't met any of them. the theory of compatibility using star signs is more complicated then it looks. you are a scorpio but with which house ascending ? which house descending ? the degree of radians for the other houses also effect things. a dragon ? which of the 5 elements ? since you are a scorpio then likely born within Nov, that would effect your minor/major personality element. the hour of birth, geographical place of birth play a part as well. and to combine Hermetic and Oriental star signs.....
  13. Aren't We Naughty on Merrivale Rd by the Dairy Queens. They seem to have a decent selection to my untrained eyes.
  14. Don't find it weird. As I had said in another thread, the posted rate is the minimum agreed exchange for the service, it doesn't stop us clients for giving more. [And i'm sure the regulars do be it gifts or funds]
  15. Don't find it weird. As I had said in another thread, the posted rate is the minimum agreed exchange for the service, it doesn't stop us clients for giving more. [And i'm sure the regulars do be it gifts or funds]
  16. Resist the Dark Side, its just more seductive. lol I'm one to talk, my current main computer is a MacBook. All my Linux boxes are servers. One interesting fact about Kubuntu / Ubuntu is you can order the install CD free of charge with shipping covered by them. (https://shipit.ubuntu.com/)
  17. i should have added, its also no excuse. sorry.
  18. i should have added, its also no excuse. sorry.
  19. little head doesn't think that way and little head has a habit of making big head do stupid things. its a guy thing.
  20. little head doesn't think that way and little head has a habit of making big head do stupid things. its a guy thing.
  21. i like your attitude, referring to another provider is good business sense. it generates goodwill with the client. in general haggling is an art best conducted in a bazaar. to me if you can't afford it ? wait until you can. trust me the waiting is part of the fun. its just like psychotherapy, the bill is part of the treatment.
  22. i like your attitude, referring to another provider is good business sense. it generates goodwill with the client. in general haggling is an art best conducted in a bazaar. to me if you can't afford it ? wait until you can. trust me the waiting is part of the fun. its just like psychotherapy, the bill is part of the treatment.
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