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fineliner last won the day on December 24 2008

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About fineliner

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  1. Thanks for all of the replies, everyone. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to respond yet. Lots of helpful advice so far, and it has definitely encouraged me towards doing this. I'm still a little reluctant, but more because of the logistic/selection/etiquette kind of issues than the fundamental decision behind them. If anyone has any recommendations, advice or opinions that they would prefer to send by PM, that would be much appreciated. In response to some of the questions that have been raised--> Location: East end of Ottawa How far I've gone before: Handjobs and BJs, but never to completion. Drunken/awkward kissing, more stressful than pleasurable. What truly constitutes "losing your virginity": I appreciate the philosophical probing behind this line of thought, but for my purposes I'm only really interested in the physical act. I don't regret never having a fulfilling relationship, because I believe that it's something worth waiting for. I do regret missing out on sex for pleasure without any commitments. For the obvious reason that it would have been fun, and also because the lack of experience will probably make it harder to form a physical connection with any potential "civilian" lovers. Infatuation with an SP: I can definitely see how this is a danger, but like I said above, I'm more concerned with the physical aspect than the emotional one at this point. Although, admittedly, it may be presumptuous of me to assume that they are separable. The last thing I want is to become a character in a bad, quirky 1980s coming-of-age movie, though, so I would be very careful to compartmentalize my emotions if I went through this experience. Once again, thanks so much for discussing this with me.
  2. I mean, it's all there in the title, really. Is this a good idea? Long version: It just never really happened for me. I'm not nightmarishly disfigured or a hillbilly mutant or anything; in fact, I'm pretty average in a lot of ways. Intelligent (but not an expert in anything), decent looking (but I could stand to drop 15 pounds and my pop's hair genes aren't doing me any favours), funny (but you're not going to see me take over the room), amiable (but with a cynical streak), etc. Apologies if the first part of that post sounded like a personal ad, but I'm fed up. The situation is starting to become a bit of a neurosis. The underlying awareness that I'm still a virgin makes it harder to talk to girls and to push the issue, makes it harder to shoot the s*** with other guys, and just generally saps my confidence. And I'm a phonecall and a paycheck away from addressing it. But I've never gone through with it. Anybody else ever been in this situation? I'm guessing no, so is there anyone who'd care to offer an outside perspective? Thanks. And if you're going to savagely mock me, at least keep it witty. :wink::lol:
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