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About simon_templar

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    IF I told you the number of times that I was mistaken for Pierce Brosnan...u wouldn't believe me lol

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  1. Quite simply .....WOW 😊😊
  2. This is a great shot of you. Thanks so much for sharing
  3. simon_templar


    ....someone call the police...it must be a crime to be that desirable í ½í¸?í ½í¸?í ½í¸?
  4. I love this picture of you in your jeans.....hubba hubba
  5. You are quite simply....spectacular!
  6. You truly are a renaissance woman (or as they used to say back in the day....hubba hubba)
  7. I was always intrigued by the concept. My memories are also of a service that was auctioned off on Monday evenings; never given away free. Out of interest's sake though....a couple of questions 1) Were you allowed to bring alcohol from the club with you? 2) Did the dancers charge you the same rate for dances as in the club? 3) Without going into detail...were there more or less restrictions?
  8. A recent comment made here reminded me of a service/attraction that used to be offerred at Barberellas. This was a couple of decades ago (and boy does it hurt to admit that) but as I recall the mgt used to auction off a limousine ride with the dancer of your choice. I believe that the "programme" ran on Monday evenings. I was never able to take advantage of this and thought I would open up a general discussion for any that had. My apologies if this had been discussed before.
  9. This is not the 1st time that I've responded to one of your threads. If I remember correctly the last reply was after you had lent this dancer some money and were questioning if you were going to have it paid back. I suspect that you may have found my response insensitive....I assure you it wasn't then....and it isn't now!!! My friend...you need to seek assistance here!!! This is not an addiction that can be cured by yourself!!!!! You seem like a very smart man....you owe this to yourself!! I fell in love with a dancer, led a double life and spent well over $200 k for the life experience. Please learn from my mistakes!!!!!!!
  10. I noted a couple of earlier nominations for Jeckyll with the great Jimmy Nesbitt; might I also suggest his BBC Ireland series Murphy's Law. Nesbitt playsa very convincing Irish undercover agent. series 3 &4 are great! Also someone mentioned AMC's the Killing...if you get a chance to see the original Swedish series or even better, one that recently played in the UK called the Bridge...check it out!!! ....and yes...The Wire.....simply the best TV series ever!!!!!
  11. I think that ultimately you are the only person who can decide if you were "foolish" to lend her the money. You refer to her now as a friend ....how many of your male friends would you lend money to for an evening of gambling if they were "tapped out" ? Here's a couple of thoughts for you to consider 1.There's 2 types of cons...the short game...and the long game. Make sure that she's not priming you for her "victory lap" 2. What exactly are your intentions in this friendship? Are their issues of co dependancy lurking here? You seem like a very intelligent guy....Be Careful!!! This from someone with too much experience (unfortunately!!!!) (from my mobile)
  12. Hi Castle Your concern is certainly a valid one. Discussions with some of the dancers that I know have indicated that business is somewhat slow with the economic times. As a result, many of the ladies are supplementing their income with "working outside of the club". Although this may not be the case in your situation, it's always wise to plan ahead! My suggestion would be that you contact the lady prior to your evening out and whilst confirming pick up times, location etc. simply ask " do I need to bring anything"? I believe that if the dancer is looking for reimbursement for her time she will take advantage of the opportunity and direct you accordingly. If, (and cross your fingers here, ha ha), she is simply looking for an evening out with "no strings attached" then she will reply with either "no" or "what do you mean"? At that stage of the conversation, you could simply respond with "I like to bring present my date with flowers ....what kind do you like"? If the issue arises later in the evening, you can remind her of your earlier discussion and remain confident that you did inquire as best you could while maintaing the degree of respect that she deserves. You will, of course, need to ensure that you do have enough funds on you to cover any "unforseen situations". Anyway...my 3 cents (adjusted for inflation). Trust that you have a good time!
  13. Not to perpetuate the discussion between Miss Cloe and Apex2006 (which was very informative), but the comments exchanged regarding Rob Reiner's When Harry Met Sally and the general inability of men to "fake it" reminded me of one of my favourite skits from Craig Ferguson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxs2D0wLD8g Although I share Apex's desire to have the ability "to pull a fast one" (pun intended), I must admit that I don't think I could compete with Mr. Connery's performance! In fact, if memory serves correct, any time that I was cognizant that my partner was "faking it", I'm sure my facial expression was more comparable to Mr. Caines'. ha ha
  14. I don't know if this will help you Novell, but here are 2 suggestions that I have found beneficial in the past. 1. Try to concentrate on your breathing. Sometimes in the "heat of the moment", you don't realize that you are focusing on your pleasure and are holding your breath. 2. I like to think of my NORTEL shares.......oh wait a minute....strike that.....the thought of my shares makes me go LIMP....ha ha :oops: :oops: .............oh well,,,,,1 suggestion
  15. Well to my chagrin, my first celebrity crush was Batgirl from the 60's Batman series. Always wondered why Bats' and Robin never had any "visable reaction" to the sight of Yvonne Craig in her purple leather costume..ha ha
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