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Ariane Valmont

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Ariane Valmont

  1. Thanks Emma! Very valuable info. Thanks also to Mandalay for this very interesting topic. I have a question... What is the best position to do this? Should the gentleman be lying on his back? On his side?
  2. Me too!! I just started using toys for anal play but I would like to learn how to do it properly with my fingers. Emma, do you want to be our sexy teacher? ;)
  3. Oh I will!! I was lucky enough to go to Ottawa for an overnight this week and I absolutely loved my experience. I intend to go back this summer and I will make sure to let you guys know when my visit will be... Especially you, Pete. ;)
  4. Thank you for your kind words jerican and Cato. xox
  5. In other similar threads, I saw that some ladies would post their own pictures... So if you allow me to do so myself... hihi This is of course for lovers of big natural breasts! ;)
  6. I agree with this. I personaly know some escorts who rarely (if ever) cum with clients and I would think they represent the majority. The fact is that the female body is complex and it is not easy for most women to cum with a new partner. As far as I am concerned, I usually take matters into my own hands, i.e. I like to make myself cum with the help of my partner (there are many things you guys can do to assist! hihi). First, because this way, I am sure to orgasm and second, because I think it is very sexy to caress myself in front of a man (or a woman! ;)). It did happen a couple of times that a gentleman made me cum on his own but this is rare. And for the record, I don't think I am "frigid", far from it. :boobies:
  7. Exactly. I consider myself a good person and I find it offending that someone would assume I am not a "nice girl" simply because I chose to be in the sex trade. It is even more unacceptable when it comes from someone who seems to be involved closely with escorts. His site gives the impression he is some kind of veteran hobbyist! If that is the case, he should know better.
  8. I agree. And the problem is not only the title but the general mood of the site. Have you ever read that guy's comments on SPs? Here is an example : " (...) How many providers do you think see more than 1 per day. I bet most of them. That?s 30 a month, 360 a year, 720 in 2 years + any slutyness she had prior to being an escort. Remember, nice girls are not escorts. If you doubt me just ask yourself if a nice girl fucks 30 people a month. (...)" Not very flattering indeed, to say the least. Let's not even mention the way he talks about BBW...
  9. Good to know! :D I was wondering if I was too uptight or if I was right to be a bit offended by this site.
  10. Just curious... Am I the only woman who does not appreciate that site??
  11. Love these two guys... Ewan McGregor Josh Homme As far as girls go, here is one I am really into : Asia Argento I would do them all for free, preferably at the same time! :boobies:
  12. I don't think there is anything wrong in contacting a client through email or pm, as long as you don't abuse that privilege. But of course, calling is a whole other thing. I've had gentlemen telling me that I could contact them on their cell phone whenever I felt like it but unless they give me a specific time to do it, I just don't feel comfortable to call. Needless to say that calling out of the blue, without any invitation to do so, should not even be considered as an option.
  13. You certainly are not the only man who is nipple sensitive. ;) That being said, I don't think most men are and for some, it is almost a turn off. That is probably why women are cautious when it comes to this area. Don't be shy and tell your SP you like nipple stimulation. I'm pretty sure she will be more than happy to fulfill your need.
  14. I can only speak for myself but as far as I'm concerned, during penetration, it's never long enough. ;)
  15. The first celebrity crush that I remember was around 4-5 years old. It was Charles Ingalls (played by Michael Landon) from Little House on the Prairie. A bit odd I guess. :-P
  16. Maybe if I meet you, I will forget all about Ottawa men! Who knows? ;) But for now... I am dreaming about Ottawa. :razz: There has been threads like this on Montreal boards and most guys were into agency girls, which I absolutely can not understand! To me, it just shows a very different mentality and honestly, it is one that I don't particularly appreciate.
  17. Apex, well I have picked a good picture of her. ;) In the tv show The L Word, there is definitely something butchy about her!
  18. I honestly do not care. As long as you cum and you are satisfied, I am happy! :-D
  19. I prefer trimmed pubic hair. Shaved is too boyish for my taste.
  20. Butchy? This is full on butch!! :p She's kind of cute in her on way but definitely not my type.
  21. Yes, I have been told that she is more "dyke" than "butchy", whatever that means. Who knows? But she has a masculine vibe going on which means she is butchy in my books!
  22. She is one of the very few "butchy type" I could get into! :p Although I wish she could gain a few pounds.
  23. You need to ask your favourite lady to help you with this. ;) By the way, loved your answer to the original question! And since I am here, I will also give my opinion... There is no part of the human body that turns me off. But there are certain shapes or looks that I don't particularly like! For example, on a men, I don't like long nails. I find it repulsive. On a woman, just like Charlotte, I like the hourglass figure. A woman with no waist is not for me.
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