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The General

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Everything posted by The General

  1. After reading all this, I realize how fortunate I am. I don't need more than about 6 hours of sleep a day, and when I decide to put my head on the pillow, most of the times I can't even remember anything, other than waking up in the morning. I used to have a few sleepless night, but that has been awhile, and most of those were work stress related.
  2. Thanks Emily. I tend to not ask too many questions and it came about pretty innocently. And it wasn't until just at the end this information was shared. I actually hadn't seen this lady previously, but she was described as an amazing kisser, which was one of the attractions. We talked about the experience, and I mentioned that it was great (which otherwise it was), but I was surprised that she didn't really seem to like to kiss based on her reviews. At this time, she said that kissing was more difficult, since she was into a personal relationship. I try not to kid myself, the ladies are only available to us as a fantasy.
  3. In the past several weeks, I have experienced or talked to a couple ladies that have got into somewhat serious relationship. What seems to be a common impact is that kissing during an enounter isn't the same. A lady that was a deep kisser has now turn into soft kisses on the lips. This seems to be a very intimate part of any encounter, and I agree. And something that seems to be difficult for some to maintain, when they fall into a more serious personal relationship. Too bad, since for me, it really is important to have this passion as part of a great experience. Otherwise, it just isn't quite the same. For the ladies. Do you find it possible to have a personal relationship and still manage the same level of service, or do you find this more difficult? I guess for some it is more difficult to separate than for others.
  4. Nicki, I would pick that too, but I think I am going to have to go with a sports icon. I am going to pick Babe Ruth. Seems he was the people's player, just a lot of fun, liked to party, but man oh man, the guy would play ball. I bet he has some stories that would probably make Tiger Woods' adventures look tame. Good thing there wasn't as much instant media in those days, and besides, he would have just found them a playmate to keep them happy too. Oh yes, now I know why I wanted to meet him, it wasn't because of the baseball, it was because he would have been a "CERB" man all the way.
  5. I have no problem with taking someone for dinner, or drinks, etc. and don't expect anything in return, per se. However, should this individual accept this offer, and only do it because they think they are getting a free ride, and under no circumstances would they have an interest in that individual, sexual or otherwise, then I would have difficulty respecting that. So, to me there is fine line between the two, but important what line that is on.
  6. Sacha, Lots of great comments and advice, so I am wondering what you are thinking now. Would be nice to get your view after seeing all these posts.
  7. As much as we hate to admit, I think the challenge of the search and success is often important to the adventure. Sure, we might be looking for the sexual encounter, but we always want to think that our good looks and charming appeal are what captivates the lady. That is why, in my opinion, the bars scene still is alive and well. Logically, it doesn't make as much sense, but who says logic drives our behaviour all the time. We often have to act the part at work, and once we get outside, sometimes we want that bad boy behaviour to guide us... Just one person's opinion.
  8. Fair point, can we think of any other similar place in town, that perhaps one's expectations might be exceeded..
  9. The last couple of years he had started to slow down, but man, oh man, he seemed young forever, tons of energy and looked like he never aged, with a little medical help. He was certainly an icon in many ways and will be missed. RIP
  10. Peachy, Actually, you are suppose to claim all your income, it is just a matter of the challenge of a cash business of it being audited, and detected. I know that for certain vocations, such as waitressing, the tax man will look at what they think is reasonable for tips and can challenge if you claim something less. However, really not sure how far this has been taken in terms of through the courts. The good thing, is that you can claim many things as a business operator, independent worker, that someone working for someone else can do. I have no idea what the ladies do in terms of claiming their income from this business, but I doubt very many claim any or much. That said, each person makes this decision independently. Also, it may be in your best interest to submit a tax return regardless of what you make, in some cases, certain credits that you can get, including things like the GST rebates, you will not get unless you file. Again, choices.
  11. Dropped by a couple of times this week. There are a number of very lovely ladies, a few a enjoyed the company of... Charley, shortish blond hair, very nice, enjoyed a few dances. Gemma?, sometimes it is hard to remember the names that the give you, but she is early 20s, longish blond hair, beautiful face, and I loved her body, not a small frame, little curvy....mmmm. A little shy, you might have to get her attention, but you should....
  12. I wouldn't say half naked pictures are necessary, but it looks like your photo is almost 2 years old, so they should be updated with some frequency and it would be helpful to have more than one and show the whole you, clothed is fine. But, I agree with others, that you should only do what you are comfortable with.
  13. She has now moved to Temptations, you need to go on BP.
  14. Point well taken, just that if it is too challenging to find out about a lady, I would pass. Sure you might miss a gem or two, just that I would rather have the ability to assess, rather than take the chance.
  15. Good question about who to ask. I just consider "DNR" to equal "DNV".
  16. BBBJ is possible, as I said, she is learning along the way and services might change over time, especially for somone new. And you need to accept YMMV always, no matter with whom.
  17. Thanks Castle, I am quite curious, since I had heard that Barefax was upping the ante for the ladies, thought some might make an exodus for other places, so thinking perhaps Sally was one. If anyone has seen the Sally at Playmate and knows it is or is not the Sally from Barefax, please let me know. 2 weeks can be a lifetime for someone to move, so still thinking (hoping) maybe Sally moved, I like Playmate and Sally too.
  18. Sally - is that the Sally that used to work at Barefax, or someone different?
  19. Always nice when someone is excited about an opportunity that is in front of them. Good luck and hope all your expectations and some, are met.
  20. check Naomi's ad with Temptations, but suspect anything like that is YMMV. I don't think they advertise here, you will need to check BP.
  21. Amazing how a little girl can keep it all together when adults would panic and go to pieces. She is an amazing little girl..
  22. You can write pretty good reply without that letter being included and get your point out. For me, I try to expand my vocabulary and capture my idea and convey that. Have a great day all.
  23. I have to say, it is definitely not my favourite position. I don't really enjoy the same feel of things, and doesn't really stimulate me that much. Now doggy, that is a very nice view. Guess I just like the nice bum staring me in the face, and many of the ladies seem to really enjoy this too. I always thought that lady on top, was more ladies choice, but guess that was more from my perspective.
  24. Okay, this lady is amazing. She is young, but very mature and without a doubt is as much in this for enjoyment than anything else. And what that means, is that you are going to have a fabulous time with this lady. She is new, takes very limited appointments and is learning even what she likes. I had a great experience, she was very passionate and responsive and very giving too. I think she is amazing herself with what she can do and enjoys. I tend to enjoy variety more than anything, but repeat with a few special ladies, and she would be one.
  25. I saw a blond named Kelly there a few times at night, large stack, long blond hair... is this the Kelly you are speaking of? If so, I might need to make a daytime visit..
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