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Everything posted by SamanthaEvans

  1. For incalls at my place, I usually ask the client what he prefers. My bedroom window looks out on a wooden fence and, beyond that, the blank side wall of the house next door. No one walks by the window, so no one will be able to see anything we do. But closing the drapes is not a problem. For outcalls, upper floors of hotels are not an issue for me. Lower ones are, and I will ask to close the drapes. Privacy is very important. As for us ladies being shy... only if you want us to be!
  2. That's how I handle it, too. They have to confirm the appointment. Sometimes I will say, "I need to receive confirmation from you by 2:00" or whatever, but it's usually not necessary. First confirmed, first served is a good motto!
  3. Good advice about the burn! Aloe vera is a wonderful plant. We always had one growing in the kitchen window when I was a kid. My offering: a cure for hiccups! As you lean over a sink, sip from a glass of water, from the wrong side of the glass--the far side. You'll probably spill a lot of water, but this always stops hiccups for me and for my kids.
  4. There are plenty of threads with accurate legal information on this board. Please read them and make sure you understand the risks you and your MA or companion may or may not be taking. When massage parlors are raided by the police, the owners are usually charged with running a common bawdy house, living off the avails of prostitution, etc. The men who are there at the time are charged with being found in a common bawdy house. It is illegal for a companion to offer erotic services from her home. Doing this "regularly" qualifies as operating a common bawdy house, even if she is the only person who lives and works there. If she rents the place, the landlord may be charged with living off the avails of prostitution. If she has a partner or spouse, whether they're in the sex trade or not, they may be charged with living off the avails, too, because they are benefitting from the companion's income. However, it is rare for independent providers to be charged if they work discretely and don't create a disturbance in the neighbourhood. We're not seen as trouble-makers and so the police rarely pay attention to us. It is illegal for a companion to offer services from a hotel room that she has rented (it becomes a bawdy house). However, it is NOT illegal for her to meet someone in HIS hotel room and exchange services for money there. Providers who offer this kind of outcall service are working completely legally. It's also perfectly legal for a companion to go to a client's home, though for safety reasons, many will do outcalls to hotels but not to private residences. See an independent escort! Exchange e-mail with her and talk to her on the phone. Get to know her a little bit before you see her and you'll be sure to have a very nice time. You'll also know that she gets to keep 100% of the fee you pay since there's no agency taking a substantial cut.
  5. I agree with you, Lowdark, but it's not an easy thing to do. Many of us simply cannot afford to be known publicly to be paid companions. It is very important, therefore, to support the sex workers' organizations and the workers who are able to take a public stand. It would be wonderful if some of our clients would also campaign in public....:smile:
  6. It's not very likely, qwerty. Here in Vancouver, the number of Asian providers is enormous. Most of them come here from China, Korea, the Philippines and sometimes from Japan, knowing very well that they are going to be working in the sex trade. They usually stay about four or five months. During that time, they're rotated from place to place around B.C., western Canada or, sometimes, across the country. They expect to work hard for a little while and then return home with lots of money. In Vancouver, they mostly provide incall service and/or work in massage parlors. A group of older men and women rent houses around the Lower Mainland and the women work in them. These houses are usually rented on a short-term basis and change all the time, before the law enforcement folks receive enough complaints that they have to do something. Sometimes Asian students get involved in the sex trade to help pay for their educations or just to make money since, if they come here on a student visa, there are restrictions about how much they're allowed to earn while they're students. A couple of clients have told me that the young, independent Asian workers are subjected to enormous pressure by the folks who organize the others. The organizers are concerned that independent providers may create trouble by talking to the ladies about their rights, about safer sex and about what their income earning potential really could be. In addition, if the independent women are here on temporary visas, they may fear being reported to immigration and forced to leave, or, even worse, having bad reports made about them at home. My clients said that most of the independent Asian providers are second and third-generation--i.e., they're not immigrants, and many of them don't speak their heritage language. I don't know if what I've been told is true. What I do know is that most non-Asian companions in a city do know about each other, and many of us know others personally. We provide safe-call backup services for each other as well as join together for duos, parties and that kind of thing if we offer those services. However, it's very rare for any of us to know or even be able to talk to the Asian providers, many of whom don't speak English anyway.
  7. I can't emphasize enough what Cat has said. The CAS too often behaves as a law unto itself under the guise of "erring on the side of caution." None of us wants to be accused of supporting our children from the avails of prostitution. It's not illegal to do so, but the CAS may tell you that it's a "grey" area, which means that they'll keep the file open if someone is concerned. That said, the OP shouldn't worry about being reported to the CAS. As noted above, it would take a court order to divulge the info.
  8. 1. Do you as an sp ever give your real name to a client? I understand that it might take a good while of being a regular but I've always wondered that since it seems many people get somewhat close with certain sp's I generally keep my business relationships separate from the rest of my life, but, in rare instances, I have given my name to a regular client. 2. I've noticed some girls put in their ads they only cater to gentlemen 30+. As a younger (26) guy I'm curious by this is? I rarely see anyone under 40; most of my clients are in their 50s and 60s. I find I have more in common with mature men. I also prefer longer meetings and I older men seem to enjoy taking their time. Generalizations aren't useful, most of the time, but nevertheless, it's my experience that, in their erotic activities, mature men are more skillful, nuanced, sensitive and receptive than younger ones. 3. What do you do if you see a client in your daily life? A few days ago I saw a girl that I had seen before with some friends shopping, I wasn't going to say anything but I was wondering how you'd handle it. I will never violate confidentiality as long as my safety is not at risk. If I see a client in public, I never approach, acknowledge or greet him. I expect that he will extend the same courtesy to me, as well. 4. What do you like or expect your clients to wear to the meeting? Jeans and a t-shirt? Something with a collar? Full suit? One of the things that worries me is what to wear to a meeting at the SP/MA's location. And even at a client's place, he wouldn't want to make a bad first impression. Thanks! Cleanliness and clothing appropriate to the time and place do make a difference to me and, as others have said, I'm happy to be asked for advice about what to wear to go to a particular restaurant or event. In addition, if the client smokes, I appreciate it if he's freshly showered and is wearing smoke-free clothing. Some smokers don't seem aware of how cigarette smoke can cling to their hair and clothes. Heavy smokers' skin tastes of stale smoke, too, which I find unappealing. I once had a meeting with someone who obviously smoked a lot of marijuana. The aroma from his hair, skin and clothing hung around my place for hours, even after I'd showered and washed the sheets. I wasn't available to meet with him again after that!
  9. I completely agree with Alexiss. I've been in this business for several years and have a steady client base, but have never had a review here at CERB. Indeed, there are only a handful of Vancouver review. Nonetheless, this is still the best board, anywhere, with some of the greatest people!
  10. It's unfortunate when cancellations are unavoidable, but if the companion contacted you ahead of time, that's a plus. Many of us have children and, as we all know, that can introduce some unpredictability into our plans if a child gets sick or is in an accident at school. I've only ever had to cancel meetings a few times, but I'm glad I could communicate with the client ahead of time to let him know. When I have had to cancel a meeting, I have also offered an extra half-hour at the same rate if they decide to see me at a later date. The number of men who make appointments and then don't shown up or call to cancel is far, far greater, in my experience. A couple of years ago one guy told me that he and some of his friends regularly contacted escorts in the Vancouver area, arranged meetings, sometimes elaborate ones, with no intention of keeping the appointment. He said that they did it because they didn't approve of prostitution and figured that one way to stop it was to make it difficult for us to make a living by filling up our appointment books with no-shows. In his mind, this would force me and others to get a "legitimate" job. As for the question of women for whom there are few or no posted reviews, making assumptions about them could deprive you of a very fine experience. As others have noted, clients are notoriously reluctant to write reviews or even to remember to write them. Some don't want to make details of their experiences public to others. Many men enjoy the fantasy that their companion won't see anyone else, or that she really is their girlfriend, if only for a couple of hours. And some of us have been in this business long enough to have a sufficient roster of regular clients such that we don't need to advertise all that much, or we may only accept particular kinds of clients. If you book meetings in advance, take the opportunity to get to know the companion in the meantime. Most of us are happy to exchange some e-mail or have phone conversations. You can get a very good sense of the kind of woman you're going to meet by paying attention to what she writes and how she sounds on the phone. You're expecting her to develop a sense of safety and trust from these things, too, aren't you..
  11. I've had lots of inquiries and several appointments from EC in the last couple of weeks, Localescorts' traffic has been terrific, too, I must say!
  12. My website is hosted by JustHost.com. They are very escort-friendly and quite inexpensive, too. I've been with them for three years with no problems, and really good tech support when I've needed it. I bought another site awhile ago from GoDaddy for some of my paintings and immediately had problems. Someone tried to hack into the gmail account I'd used to associate with the new site. They tried so persistently that Gmail suspended the account, then told me that one of the major source of this kind of activity comes through GoDaddy. It seems that a lot of people use the same password for everything and the leak via GoDaddy hopes that's the case with new sites. That was a few months ago, so it's just a warning to be careful!
  13. This is such an important question, alexiss. It sounds like you're dealing with pain and disappointment, which is never easy. For myself, I've found that it's important to have a direction I want to go, but not to get too locked into some of the details. Life will happen in spite of my best plans; if I can be flexible everything will go more easily. If the dream involves other people, though, and particularly if it involves specific people, I don't know how to ensure that dreams will come true. Sometimes it's better for us if things don't work out the way we might hope. People change, or we get to know them better and can find that what seemed like a good thing at one point just isn't going to work. We need to be careful about holding onto situations and relationships where our dreams, hopes and needs never seem to work out or take priority. Those relationships are often depleting and can also be abusive. The thing is never to quit hoping. Hope is a powerful force. If we let go of it too easily, we may cheat ourselves out of the opportunity to see our hope be made a reality. If you're feeling hopeless, that life is bleak, that you don't find pleasure in the things that used to delight you, talk to your doctor, please. These are symptoms of depression and depression can be helped, even cured, particularly if you take action before it's gone on too long.
  14. It's rare for me to book last-minute appointments, and even then only with established clients, so I can't really comment on weekly traffic patterns. Most of my clients book in advance. However, I do notice that new clients who book a meeting on a Monday are the most likely to cancel or re-schedule. Most clients, new and returning, prefer to meet me after 11:00 a.m. or noon. I have the greatest demand for Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Those days are sometimes booked up weeks in advance. I tend to do only one or two evening outcall engagements a week. Wednesday and Thursday evenings are the most popular. No one has asked for a Monday night in over a year. Quite a few of my regular clients go away on holiday in January or February (or both)--they try to avoid the dull, grey rainy days here in Vancouver. I'm more likely to meet new clients in these winter months than at other times.
  15. I think that Greek is wonderful and I do offer it. Many don't, either because they don't like it or because they're legitimately concerned about being able to relax well enough to avoid being hurt. In addition, if a companion does offer this service, she can be pretty sure that it will be requested more often than almost anything else, which could be a lot more often than she wants to do it. As others have said, take it easy and let her direct it. And, if you're not interested in receiving... let whatever worries you about being on that side of the interaction be part of what governs your pace as well as increase your respect and empathy for your companion.
  16. Glad to know you've had such a great holiday. Happy New Year!
  17. I don’t mean to be too flippant here, but. what is “sex”? If we strictly limit the definition to genital activity and exclude the kinds of caresses one can easily do in public, the characters of the people involved, their ages, their abilities and their intentions when they’re together, well then, there are times when about 25% of my engagements are not sexual. But I don’t think my clients would agree. As WrinkledInTime has noted, how the SP markets herself may make a difference. That’s certainly the case with me. I'm a mature companion and I prefer to entertain men in their 50s and 60s. I rarely see anyone under 40, and those in their early 30s, frankly, tend to bore me both in and out of bed. I offer “social” dates, but I wouldn’t say that they are strictly non-sexual. The client knows that I am a prostitute and that’s why he’s contacted me in the first place. If he just wanted someone to talk to and nothing more it would be much cheaper for him to see a therapist for a couple of hours. An important difference between seeing me and seeing a talk-therapist is that, even if we don’t end up in bed during or after that social engagement, the potential that we will at some point in the near future is always there. I think that adds a certain frisson to the date, for him. For myself, when I’m on a date with a client, I rarely look at him, touch him or behave in quite the same way I would if I were, for example, having lunch with someone from my church. The client wants an alluring woman. He wants to feel attractive and attracted. He wants a date that is laden with possibility even if we have expressly agreed that we will not be going to bed later that afternoon or evening. Others nearby may not pick up on all the nuanced cues and gestures, but if I want him to, he will. I will encourage him to touch me, to look into my eyes, and to begin to create the private language that always exists between two lovers. Let’s suppose that, sometime later, this client sees me in private. There could be many reasons why we don’t have ‘traditional’ sex. Men in their 60s and 70s--and sometimes much younger men, too--are susceptible to erectile difficulties because of health issues and medications. A considerable amount of pleasure, including orgasm, is still possible for most of them, but, sadly, they may not know it or may have decided that they don’t want to risk a failure to perform. They do still want intimacy, touching, close connections. I have a client who loves to touch and play with me but will not let me do more than hug him, kiss him and cuddle against him. I’ve never touched his penis with my hands, my mouth or my genitals. But he has explored my body’s every nook and cranny, orifice and nerve ending and has given me many powerful and prolonged orgasms while remaining completely clothed himself. Is that sex? I think it is. Another client sees me periodically to discharge pent-up tensions and frustrations in his life. He could hire a professional submissive for all the same things that he does to me, but he prefers to have the option for sex available to him. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. One of my clients is very affectionate with me. He likes to take me out for lunch. We flirt and talk intimately; lunch is often erotically charged, but he has never had explicitly sexual contact with me. Instead, he also schedules private meetings where he brings a friend with him and watches me have sex with that man. Is this a sexual encounter, even if he scarcely touches me? I think it is and I’m sure his wife would think so, too. About three or four times a year, I may have a non-sexual date with a client who wants a companion for a party or event. My dates have been well-known musicians, artists and public figures who prefer to engage a paid companion so that they won’t be pressured into having sex with anyone. Nothing sexual or erotic is expected or occurs. We have a pleasant time and it’s over. Clients see me to have experiences that are not available to them in their regular, daily lives, whether that’s torrid flirting, missionary sex, something much kinkier, or a complete lack of pressure to do anything but be pleasant and polite. From my point of view, and in my experience, none of the examples I’ve given are “extremes.” Except when the client requests nothing more than my company, I’m not sure that the extreme “all talk, no sex” really occurs, or is even what the client desires.
  18. Snowfall here in Vancouver has been negligible, so far, and hasn't lasted more than a day or so. Nonetheless, a couple of inches can almost shut down the city. Clearing main streets is important, but bus stops need to be shovelled, sidewalks have to be cleared and side streets have to be made navigable before many people can really get around. When I lived in Ontario, these things were taken care of by the municipality and everyone shovelled their own walks and driveways. A heavy snowfall was just part of life, not a real inconvenience in any long-lasting way for most healthy, able-bodied people. Disabled people and the elderly have a hard time everywhere, I think. They can become virtually housebound, sometimes for weeks, in the hard weather. Cutting back on snow removal is a very bad idea. Much as we like to ignore it, the fact is that we are a northern country and snow is a part of our lives for as much as six months of the year in some places. Reducing or eliminating snow removal services is not just crippling for many people, it can be fatal to some who will not be able to get out if they need to, or able to have emergency services get to them, if required.
  19. RG--Very perceptive! teddybear--It's never too late! How long does it take for you to dig out of the snowstorm, there, and fly out to the Wet Coast? I will always make time for you!
  20. Merry Christmas, CK. I share with others in giving thanks for your diligent work. I hope that 2011 is a better year for you, your family and friends.
  21. Thanks, Cherry! Berlin, take it from me that Santa is a very kinky fellow with a wicked imagination!
  22. I thought some of you would be amused by this. I have a client who is a very fine professional Santa Claus. I've seen him just before Christmas for the last two years. He's warm, friendly, attentive and a lot of fun. He arrives late at night, dressed in full Santa regalia, tells me about his frustrations with his work--all the people who try to fool Santa into thinking that they've been good when they really haven't--sits me on his lap and asks me about my year. He asks thoughtful questions while his hands roam all over me (I wear a dressing gown and little else). Each year, he's given me a heck of a spanking and received full service from me. My payment has been made in a Christmas stocking, along with an orange, a candy cane and some chocolate. It's a fun bit of role-playing. So I was very pleased when he booked an appointment with me for last night, the 23rd. I looked forward to our meeting with pleasure. But who knew that Santa could be snowed in? :lol: He called to cancel our meeting after he'd been at a private party somewhere beyond Whistler. They had a huge dump of snow and he wasn't sure he should drive back to town last night, in the dark, without chains. I suggested he take the flying reindeer, but they weren't available, apparently. So, no Santa for me this year! I hope he's made it out and that he'll be bringing everyone else a Merry Christmas.
  23. This is where the numbers can be very confusing! I weigh less than 200 pounds, but I do wear a 16/18 or a 1X. So much depends on bone structure, height and other things. I agree with MsSamantha that it's better to list as a BBW and be smaller than the client expects.
  24. Why pay for what you can already get at home? I really enjoy it when a client wants to play out a fantasy. I want to be able to help him fulfill a long-held need or explore something that he's never been able to have or try before. These encounters are some of the most fulfilling ones for me. I have a couple of clients who really enjoy treating me the way they imagine a whore can be treated. Curiously, both of them broached the subject tentatively, cradling their requests in a bed of shy apologies. But I am a whore and sometimes I love feeling like it, too. Sexual acts, in near-public places; activities that don't include a lot of cuddling, canoodling or foreplay; roleplaying and exploring fetishes--these are all wonderful things as far as I'm concerned!
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