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Everything posted by SamanthaEvans

  1. I think you're right, YS. Mind, my experience is that it's mostly the younger guys who behave this way. Spoiled children is what a lot of them are. We told them they were so special, so important, that everything they do is nothing but the very best that could ever be done by anyone. They've got incredible self-esteem and lousy other-regard. They're entitled to have whatever they want and they throw little tantrums if they can't get it or if they can't get it on their own terms. Some of the time it's funny, but mostly it's just sad.
  2. It happens. But don't worry: nothing is broken. If you don't have an orgasm with a partner fairly soon, you'll probably have an old-fashioned wet dream some night instead. The best thing is just to relax and let things happen. It's about the journey, not the destination, anyway!
  3. Bidets are wonderful! I wish there was room in my bathroom for one. Hmmm.... a good reason to move house!
  4. I don't like the full-body tattoos, personally, but a well-placed tattoo that adds something, or means something is fine with me. I don't have any tattoos, myself. I've thought about it a few times, but balked when I realized that, in my old age, I didn't want to be known at the nursing home as that "poor old dear in Room 23 with the dolphin on her hipbone" or whatever it was!
  5. Absolutely! It always surprises me that, at the rates some of us charge, we get queries from guys who haven't really paid much attention to what they'll be getting for their investment. If I'm not worth the extra 10-15 minutes it takes to page through my website, why bother contacting me at all?
  6. I think that verification services are most popular in the US because prostitution is illegal there. It's one way for the girls to verify that the client is legitimate, not dangerous and that it's not LE looking for something to do.
  7. This is a great idea, Annessa. Thanks for starting the discussion. Most of my clients book for longer sessions, two or three hours that often includes lunch or dinner. I love having that extra time to talk and relax together because by the time we go back to my place, it feels like we really connect. I like feeling that the client wants to be with me, specifically, and so that extra bit of time does it. I have one client who likes to give me a massage and by the time he's finished I could purr. Once, after a lovely evening, when it was time to get up, the client asked what I would be doing after he'd gone. I said honestly that I'd take a shower and go to sleep. He showered with me and he washed my hair. After the shower, he combed and dried it with the hair dryer--such personal attention!
  8. Cold FX for me, too! And when things are really bad, late at night, and I've already slept a lot and don't think I can sleep any more.... NeoCitran and cheap bar-quality scotch. :roll:
  9. I'm not on Twitter and don't plan to be anytime soon. But I can see that if you do more volume than I do, and if you do last-minute scheduling, it could be a way to stay connected with clients. However, as one who thrives on discretion and privacy, not broadcasting my activities and availability might be a selling point! 8)
  10. They're comparing apples to mangoes, I think. They don't know the difference between the inside and outside workers. The article is likely to result in a lot of haggling over prices though. Thank you, TorStar!
  11. I started this discussion on the Vancouver board, but now think it would be a good idea to test the waters more generally. This is a somewhat modified version of my original idea. Suppose we got a number of companions together in, say, one of the Gulf Islands resorts--the ones with separate cabins, maybe--for a long weekend. Alternatively, we could take over a small inn or rent a mansion for a weekend and have the men stay somewhere nearby. We could invite clients to come and see us, all of us, for one, all-inclusive fee. They'd need to book in advance, and, depending on how many ladies are there, they'd need to book meetings with each of us. We could each entertain one on Friday evening, three on Saturday and one or two on Sunday, for example. We could throw in some social time, be available for conversation and canoodling over dinner, drinks, meals, etc. And everyone could play. A lot. It wouldn't have to be like a stag party or frat house event. Unless some folks wanted to do that and some of the ladies were interested, that is. We could make it as up-scale and exclusive or as moderate as we like. We ladies work hard doing what we do best. The clients get to spend time with more than one of us. We all get along nicely--great things could happen. If it's done right, we could easily avoid legal headaches. Swingers' clubs do this kind of thing all the time, after all. It would be expensive. To take full advantage of it would probably require some planning for most, but still..... What do you think? If you're a companion, would you be interested in doing something like this? If you're one of the men, would you be interested in taking part in such a weekend? If you are, would you be willing to make a deposit to book the place? No-shows and cancellations could end up costing the organizers quite a bit, so we'd need to avoid that. Would you prefer to book private sessions with us, or would you like there to be a mixture of private and group opportunities--such as a party or a dungeon event? There are screening concerns, and privacy concerns abound. I'm sure that some of our established clients wouldn't want to be known to others, so they'd not be likely to attend. But others could surprise us all! Comments, ideas, things to think about--please pitch in!
  12. I think I'll post a slightly edited version of this idea on the General board and see what folks think. If we did this properly, it could work very nicely.
  13. Absolutely! :grin: I think I should change my banner.... "Counselling the discerning gentleman..."
  14. ROFLMAO! We really need a "quote of the day" award. And Mandalay should win it today!
  15. Viagra and the other drugs like it are helpful for men who have trouble achieving or maintaining an erection reliably. Many men who have erectile difficulty are also prone to premature ejaculation. If PE is your only problem, there are better ways to solve it than using Viagra. But if you're not able to get hard or stay that way when you want to, Viagra may help. In terms of whether the problem is related to your own psyche or your feelings about your partner, that might be a tough call to make. As a woman, I'm reluctant to blame the other woman, assuming that she's a willing, interested partner and you've had mutually satisfying encounters before. However, emotions, resentment, hostility, anxiety, fatigue, depression and a host of other things can influence anyone's sexual performance, not usually for the better. Some men say that their erections are harder and/or longer-lasting when they're with a new partner. Others have the most difficulty with a new partner. What works beautifully in an unhurried, relaxed setting with a trusted partner may not work so well if either partner is stressed-out, tired or anxious. Fear of being discovered can create problems! :roll: Health issues that can cause or contribute to erectile problems include diabetes (35-50% of diabetic men have erectile dysfunction), smoking, alcoholism, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, being overweight, heart disease, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and not getting enough exercise. Depression can also be a factor, whether in addition to any of these conditions, or on its own. Surgery can also cause ED. The thing is, erectile dysfunction is not inevitable or a natural part of aging. It's caused by other factors. The best way to avoid having ED is to have a healthy lifestyle. Eat properly. Get exercise. Don't smoke. Don't drink too much. Hypertension, diabetes and heart disease can cause ED and are often preventable. They're also treatable conditions. And please, if you find it difficult to discuss your sexual health with your doctor..... Get Over Yourself. Seriously. Your doctor will appreciate how difficult it is for you to say that you're having a problem. He's heard about these problems many, many times before from men who are younger, more powerful, more successful, wealthier, better looking and more physically impressive than you are. Your masculinity is not an issue--for your doctor. In addition, if you are having erectile problems but you're not aware of any other health issues, getting assessed can save your life.
  16. Since we're on the topic of things men should pay attention to, here's one more. Tell your companion if you're taking Viagra or Cialis. I've had clients who have taken their first dose of Viagra when they were with me. They wanted to find out how it felt and whether they would get the results they were hoping for. Most men find it embarrassing to admit that they need these medications, unfortunately. However, many, many companions are quite familiar with the effects and side-effects. For example, many men become quite flushed, particularly in the face and upper body, when they take Viagra. This is not something to worry about. Some men find they have a headache. Again, it's a common side-effect. If the headache is very unpleasant, you should talk to your doctor about it If you take Viagra, it takes about half an hour to work, sometimes 45 minutes, sometimes only 20, in my experience. Most of the men I've known have been able to go for two full rounds in two hours or less. Three hours, even. With Cialis, you may have more, but not everyone does. I've had great fun helping men who've had a hard time achieving a lasting erection and/or having control over when they reach orgasm. The first time it works is wonderful! Truly fabulous. And the second time, a little while later... That's magical. But in the cases of the clients who were trying this for the first time, they were a bit reluctant to try for another round. Maybe they were concerned it might not happen. It always has, though. No doubt this was entirely due to my extraordinary technique, of course! YMMV, as we say!
  17. Men in their 60s are frequently devastating! Seriously! And if you want to do things now to make sure that your 60s are wonderful, eat properly, get some exercise on a regular basis, don't drink too much and don't smoke. Especially don't smoke. Not only does it cause one of the worst kinds of cancer, but it also causes erectile dysfunction. Also, watch your blood pressure. You don't have to look like a god, but by taking good care of the whole system, your equipment will continue to be high-functioning for a long, long time. If you're tempted to use Viagra before you actually need it, just to firm things up a bit, so to speak, don't. Dependencies can develop. Take good care of your body and it will reward you most handsomely in your later years. Trust me. I'm a qualified expert! :wink:
  18. I rarely go to a client's home, and never unless I've met the client at my place, first. Only two of my regular clients have me go to their homes. Neither of them have a live-in partner as far as I know.
  19. I'm not sure what you're asking. Outcalls are when I go out to meet the client at his location. Incalls are when the client meets me where I am. Or are you asking about something else?
  20. This topic could overlap with several others, but I think it deserves its own thread. I have a client with a physical disability. He's paraplegic, in a wheelchair. He can stand up, but he doesn't walk. He's fully functional and a lot of fun to be with. My incall location isn't wheelchair accessible. The first time I saw him, we met in a hotel. I've seen him in his home four or five times since then. He's charming, great to talk to, empathetic and very kind. He's also a great lover. When he first contacted me, he asked whether I catered to special needs and explained his disability. We spoke on the phone at length before we met. He seemed a bit shy, and I had the impression both that he's mostly seen paid companions since he became disabled and that many others had turned him down. He feels he needs more help than most women would be willing to offer, but that's not my experience at all. I can't imagine why he wouldn't make a fine partner for a good woman. What are others' experiences of clients with disabilities? What helped? What would you do differently? What do you need to know before you meet with the client?
  21. I agree, emphatically! I always find it a little sad when a prospective client apologizes for his age. I'm in my 40s, myself, to begin with. But it's also true that older men are often more subtle, more nuanced in their eroticism. And, as I discovered years ago, they often last much longer... :razz:
  22. There are different names for this gizmo. Apparently some call it a Wartenburg wheel. This is what I was referring to:
  23. Yes, that's the one. It looks a lot like a cross between a spur and a pizza cutter! Used with a delicate touch, it can be a lovely thing. A slightly heavier touch will puncture the skin. More than that and bleeding ensues. Someone always knows my schedule. If I'm seeing a client at a hotel, they know which hotel, what time I'll be there and for how long. I always call to say I've left the place. They also know my incall schedule in general terms. No names, just that I have a client from 10:00 to 12:30 or whatever. I'm not as rigorous about this as an agency would be--that's my own judgment call. My friend does have access to a copy of my schedule in a password protected spreadsheet located in an online file storage site. It includes info about where I'm going and who I'm seeing. I make a point of never being late without calling the client, if I'm meeting one, or calling my son, if I'm supposed to be at home. If I were to be half an hour late, my son knows who to call and what to do. If I'm an hour late, lots of things click into place. Fortunately, I've never had any occasion for this system to be deployed. While our safety and security is unquestionably important, and while we shouldn't take needless risks, ever, I do want to point out that a woman is most likely to be harmed at home by her Significant Other or a family member. Much as I hate to say it, working inside as a paid companion is safer than, say.... marriage.
  24. It's a tricky one, tying people up when you don't know them well. I'll happily cuff a client's hands behind his back, or tie him to the bedposts. I always use quick-release fasteners that he could get out of in a jiffy if he needed to. If there was a fire, for example, or if I keeled over from a heart attack. Clients sometimes want to play BDSM games with me as the submissive. I'm willing, up to a point. Perhaps it's not surprising that a mouthy broad like me gets spanked a lot. :grin: I don't agree to bondage play with new clients, though, if I'm the one being bound. Even then, I need to be able to release myself withing seconds if I want or need to do it. I never agree to be blindfolded by anyone. No fireplay, no knives, no needles, no Catherine wheels, etc. If someone wants to get into playing with someone who can really submit, I refer them to a dungeon, with a Dominant or Dominatrix. I have occasionally gone to such places myself, but that's very rare. The last Dominatrix I visited with a client has retired. Ultimately, however much I may enjoy being submissive, I leave that to my real life, not to my working life, for my own safety and well-being. It is essential that the companion remains in control of the dynamics with the client and so real, genuine submission is usually not appropriate, I think.
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