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Everything posted by SamanthaEvans

  1. I like your list, Angel. I know I have a naughty streak a mile wide. I've done all of it except for the gang bang. I'd really like to have that experience sometime. I've had some inquiries about it, but no one has organized the thing yet. My clients are mostly older men, so maybe it's a fantasy that's laced with performance anxiety when they start to think about it in practical terms. But if someone really wants to do it, I'll be there! I've had lots of lovely experiences and I'd hate to single out any of them for close evaluation about which was the best. There's something about the chemistry between me and the client. I do like the feeling that I'm a woman he's genuinely attracted to, that he wants ME as much or more than he wants IT, so to speak. Paradoxically, there are times when I love feeling that it's not personal at all, it's about nothing but sex... in a heated, animal kind of way. When I think about it, though, the best of those times have been with clients with whom I've felt a genuine rapport in other ways, via e-mail, on the phone, or at other visits.
  2. I've never asked for a photo, though I've received them, unasked, from potential clients. I've never turned anyone down on the basis of a photograph, either. Until recently, most of my clients have been men who were explicitly seeking a long-term, steady arrangement. About half of them wanted to meet me in person for lunch or dinner before engaging in anything intimate. I have always accepted those invitations, and most of them have resulted in an ongoing arrangement. I screen carefully these days and ultimately turn down about 75% of those who contact me. I don't see potential clients who want to haggle over my fee, who are even slightly disrespectful, who insist on having my telephone number before making an appointment with me, who give me the feeling that they're not being honest with me, and anyone who asks questions about my personal life. Having a photograph of any of those men wouldn't have made a difference in my decision.
  3. I'm pretty new here, but this seems like a good thread to chime in on. I'm 42, now. I started out when I was 18, working as a model for life drawing classes. I gradually started seeing clients after about two years of modelling. Providing for a few clients put me through university and grad school for about five years. Occasionally, I did some high volume work when I really needed the money, but I didn't enjoy that very much and entertaining the steady clients was much more satisfying overall. I retired near the end of grad school. Two years later, I married, had three children, and a pretty ordinary life. My marriage ended and a combination of circumstances related to my divorce left me completely impoverished with two kids to care for. The work I was doing wasn't making ends meet for us. A man I knew offered me a "sugar daddy" relationship, and I accepted. For the last five years, I've been providing to a small number of steady, regular clients, some of whom were referred by one or two others, and some I found on . In the last six months, one of my oldest clients died, two others moved away from Vancouver, and another has become seriously ill. For the first time in my life, I'm advertising for clients. I'm enjoying having more variety seeing clients who only want to see someone once in a while. In time, I may return to having a stable number of regulars. It's hard to know about that, though. I keep thinking that I'll be too old for this sometime soon, but that doesn't seem to be the case! It amuses me to think that most people "out there" would never imagine that a woman my age could make her living in the sex trade. I'm a big girl, too, which also doesn't seem to matter. Anyway, overall, I'd say I've been providing for about 10 years, plus two years as a model.
  4. We never know what's going on in someone else's relationship, so I'd stay out of this. And, as has been pointed out already, being a provider is a job, it's not the sum total of who any of us are. Much more important to me is whether I see that a relationship is abusive. I would say something about that, right away.
  5. I'm a busty redhead, actually. :-D Samantha Evans
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