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Ava Foxx

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Ava Foxx

  1. Hi kih, I was just addressing some of the first posts in this thread. It was suggested that low rates=low quality service and I was just trying to point out that that's not necessarily the case :-D. I actually apologized in a later post for going off topic ;). Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I wish I had known about CERB a long time ago!!! Ava xo
  2. That put a smile on my face!!! I feel so welcome here!!! I think I might have to add Ottawa to my repertoire ;-).
  3. LOL!!! Too funny! Love it!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  4. I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but yes, I do refer people to fellow SPs if they desire a service that I don't provide. I am actually VERY open to posting fellow SPs banners on my site so as to draw to them clients that have decided they're looking for something more, or different than what I offer. That being said, Kel, Paige and Ava...if you'd like me to put your banner or text link on my links page, it would be be an honour to have you there. I'm more than certain that there are plenty of Montreal gentlemen that travel to Ottawa who would love to meet you!!! Ave xo
  5. Well, hello Ava Jones!!! Love your name :)!!! Thank you sooo much for the warm welcome! It's nice to find a forum where everyone is so nice! I agree with your perspective as well. 100%. As I said to Paige, I would never change the services that I offer just to get more clientel. I stay well within my boundaries and my comfort zone. If I started doing things I wasn't comfortable with, then how could I possibly enjoy myself? If I'm not enjoying myself it would show and my level of service would drop. So yes, you are right on, as is Paige, that there is never a reason to offer more than what you're comfortable with. I'm really happy I found this forum!!! Sincerely, Ava xo
  6. Hi Paige! That's one thing I DON'T do...I do not offer "more" for less. I have my limits and I stick to them, no matter what. I guess I'm a softy buut the last thing i want to do is step on someone's toes :( . I will never compromise myself by doing things that I am not comfortable with :( . Although...adding different marketing ideas (as per your comment ;) ) such as date packages, etc. would be a good idea to drum up business without compromising one's self...very good point, Paige! Sincerely, Ava xo
  7. THANKS Kel!!! Now this is what I love :-D!!! Camaraderie amongst fellow SPs. I think that sometimes the men think we all just talk trash about one another but it's so not true :wink:. I agree with what you said as well. You should never compromise yourself or your service because of what someone else is offering. That was part of what I was trying to get across in my original post, you said it better than I did :wink:. Thanks again, Kel :-D! Ava xo
  8. Ohhhh...now I understand. Well, I'm actually quite fortunate as I've not had any bad experiences with any of my fellow SPs to date. As a matter of fact there's a little group of us that get together for a girl's night out from time to time. I've never felt any (open) resentment from anyone. The way that I see it, every one of us has something different to offer and we each stand out in our own way, so there's (hopefully) no need for resentment or cattiness :grin:. That's just me :-)... Ava xoxo
  9. Hello Inaluki! Just curious what you meant by this. Could you elaborate? Thanks :grin:! Actually, I have made a personal choice to see no more than 3 guests per day. I believe in quality over quantity :wink:. I truly want to be at my best with everyone I see and because of that, it takes me quite a bit of time to prepare between guests. If I saw more than 3, I wouldn't be able to provide the quality of service that I want everyone to receive from me :grin:. By the way, thanks for taking the time to respond to my post. I realize now that I may have caused the thread to go a little off topic, though. Oops...lol! I just want Pinkfloyders to know, as well as others that you CAN get quality service for low rates ;-) ! Have a great day!! Ava xo
  10. I'll never understand why SPs are frowned upon if they offer low rates. The consensus being that low rates=subpar service. My rate is $120/hour and I offer, in my humble opinion, GREAT service. I have chosen to charge only $120 for several reasons: - I enjoy the luxury of working from home - I don't have travel expenses - I don't have to give half of what I earn to an agency, since I am an Independent SP Sure, there may be some SPs out there that just want a quick buck so they offer a low rate hoping to attract more clients, but that's really not the case with me. I'm simply charging what I think is fair given my circumstances i.e. the reasons I gave above. Pinkfloyders, I hope that you enjoy your stay in Ottawa. I lived there for a few years as a teen and I loved it! Sincerely, Ava
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