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Ava Foxx

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Ava Foxx

  1. Ava Foxx


    From the album: Web Cam Pics

  2. Ava Foxx


    From the album: Web Cam Pics

  3. Ava Foxx


    From the album: Web Cam Pics

  4. Ava Foxx


    From the album: Web Cam Pics

  5. Ava Foxx


    From the album: Web Cam Pics

  6. You're definitely not a BBW, Emma :wink:. NOT that there's anything wrong with that (LOL Seinfeld). I should know; I'm a big girl myself :).
  7. OMG! As Liz Lemon would say; I want to go there :shock:. LOL!
  8. OMG!!! I am soooo flattered!!! I've always admired you Erin and I feel we have a lot in common. I have no doubt we'd have a blast together! I'll tell you why, too; it would be like being with a friend rather than "work" :bddog:. Does that make sense :confused: lol!
  9. I found this website, it looks very interesting. It addresses the many different possible causes as well as the possible treatments. Hope it helps :). http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/remedy/Dandruff.html
  10. LOL!!! You're the best!!! Kinda wishing it was Christmas now...and that you were Ralphie...and that I was a lamp ;)
  11. I think this may be a Quebec thing... SipSacs from Perrette's (when it still existed)!
  12. Looking under the cap from a Coke bottle and finding out you won! Even if it was only another bottle of Coke or a bag of chips :mrgreen:. Now all they give you is a number and then you have to go online, sign into iCoke, enter the number, blah, blah, blah :(
  13. Kind of off topic, or maybe not... When I was living in Ottawa, my best friend decided to try out stripping. She was (is) stunning and she was a favourite at the different clubs that she worked at. So much so, that when she was working at The NuDen, they used her picture in a local magazine and put it up on a billboard (with her knowledge of course). Only took 2 days before her father became blatantly aware of where his daughter was working :shock:. Spreading your picture around when you are trying to stay low key is not always a good idea.
  14. I have the owner of Adult Fun Superstore in my list of Facebook friends. I can ask him if you'd like.
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