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Ava Foxx

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Ava Foxx

  1. I feel the same way about my real name and I wish that I could use it for "work" but for discretion's sake, I can't :(.
  2. All of these scenarios are exactly why I don't call people back. I feel it is just too risky. You never know; they could be at home with their family or out with their girlfriend. I would hate for my phone call to be the cause of conflict between a gentleman and his SO.
  3. LOL! I will most definitely take that as a compliment :mrgreen:.
  4. Ah...here's the thing. The post count goes up in ALL my previous posts. Watch, this post will be 305. Go back and look at the post I made earlier. It will now read 305 ;).
  5. My post count is increasing accordingly.
  6. I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed with some of the guys' reactions to the topic at hand. A woman's period is totally natural. So what if there's a little blood involved? It's not a big deal :rolleyes:.
  7. Not weird at all!!! It's great that you know what you like and want to experience it!
  8. You should definitely specify beforehand that you would like to go for the Greek option. The earlier the better as most SPs put in a little extra "work" in order to prepare for Greek ;).
  9. I don't think the skits actually air on SNL. They are created for the sole purpose of going viral on the web.
  10. I can only speak for myself when answering this as every lady is different :). I prefer if the gentleman is neatly (closely) trimmed. However, I DO understand that not all men can do this as any have wives or girlfriends and a sudden change in grooming procedures might lead to questions. The main determining factors for me are general cleanliness and hygiene. Any bad odours or signs of poor hygiene are a definite turn-off and will surely affect my decision to perform oral. As for 5 o'clock shadow...one word...ouch :(.
  11. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Family Guy and American Dad. I saw the Family Guy Live show when they came to Montreal for the Just for Laughs Festival and it was awesome! I wish they'd do it again!
  12. May I ask, out of PURE curiosity, why do you write it "dis/abled" instead of "disabled"? I like to keep current so I ask questions :D BTW Erin, I think you're awesome!
  13. I thought the same thing!!! They think it's against the rules to post their phone numbers but if they took the time to read the rules, they'd see they're allowed to do so. To me, it's an indication of character in those cases.
  14. In my opinion, I highly doubt that any of the ladies on CERB conduct business in this manner. Where are you finding the ads the for the ladies that you are calling?
  15. Have you tried asking her if she has "another job" besides dancing? Who knows...she might say no, she only dances or she might say she works part-time at Tim Horton's or she might say she is an SP!
  16. Let's not forget Emily's (in Toronto) comment on this topic in a previous thread... "I am not a pizza which you can order in 20mins or less" LOVE it!!! :mrgreen:
  17. In my humble opinion, I would suggest that you try and Independent SP the next time. They are able to answer your questions and concerns personally :).
  18. That's just mean. Plain and simple. I mean seriously...getting upset with him over something that is so perfectly natural??? I can only imagine what she's like in other aspects of the marriage :(. Poor guy :(.
  19. My pleasure :)...and trust me, there's no need to feel silly!
  20. Omg...poor you :(. What makes your post especially sad (not in a bad way!) is that you are so NICE about it! Since I don't know the SP concerned, I can't really say whether or not you were played, per se. There are a number of reasons why she might be this way. For example she could just be really bad at time management or she could have a substance abuse problem causing her to forget or oversleep. Regardless of the reason, it was really wrong and inconsiderate of her to give you the run around, no matter how "apologetic" she was about it. We ladies complain about no-shows and time wasters, but you guys don't always have it easy either. I honestly want to give you a great big hug right now! You seem like such a nice guy :). As for advice on how to proceed, well...I'm not really sure. She seems like a lost cause. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
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