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Posts posted by Jazzitup

  1. Had another great session with Erica. I needed a haircut, and I thought of Erica right away. I always book an hour, and once I got my hair cut, it was time to go up stairs where she took good care of me.

    Needless to say, Erica gave me a great massage and I left with a goofy grin on my face. Once you get to know her and she gets to know you, she can be lots of fun.

    I will be back for more.

  2. Thanks for this thread, Isabella!


    Gentlemen, please also be aware that men, too, can get breast cancer. It's nowhere nearly as frequent in men as it is in women, but it can be just as devastating (a friend's husband is going through treatment for this now). Male breasts are usually smaller and flatter than female breasts, obviously, and this makes examination simpler, but not something you can take for granted. We're all exposed to so many toxins!


    I was going to make the same point Samantha. I remember hearing somewhere that of all breast cancer patients, that men make up something like 4 percent.

    This is something worth knowing.

  3. Good of you to start this Sky. I just watched parts of the television debate and I admit I got a little frustrated that not enough of the sh*t that Harper has done made it in. It seems that there is no one big thing but a lot of smaller things he has done that can easily be forgotten or excused by the PCs. What I find particularly offensive is what he did to the census. Inexcusable! Is he making this up as he goes along?


    Of course if you are a Harper fan, this will not change your mind at all.

  4. I have been to the residence of several SPs and I always consider it a privledge that they would trust me enough to show me where they live. I enjoy finding out things about them, what art work they have, what hobbies they like, what books and music interest them. Getting to know the SP just adds a layer of intimacy to an encounter.

  5. That's because 18% percent of the respondents claimed no religious background at all.


    Christine Milrod, "Sexual Attitudes and Experiences of 100 Internet-Based Independent Sexual Service Providers" (The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, June 1, 2008 ):





    Thanks WiT. I knew there had to be a logical explanation.

  6. 2008 Milrod.


    Sorry, made a mistake: 31% of the volunteers were Catholic

    19% Protestant

    2% Jewish

    30% other



    You are correct in stating that a voluntary survey would naturally select for those most likely to volunteer information, making the entire survey slightly biased toward this characteristic.



    I think there may be anther mistake, the percentages only add up to 82%.

  7. [SIZE=1]The subject of Easter came up and because it never is on the same day, I wanted to know how it gets calculated. So Google is my friend, and it led me to this site:[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=1]and it lists the moveable feasts in Christianity. What stands out is:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1][URL="http://www.cerb.ca/w/index.php?title=Sextopola&action=edit&redlink=1"][COLOR=#ba0000]Sextopola[/COLOR][/URL] - 69 days before Easter (Preâ?? [URL="http://www.cerb.ca/wiki/Vatican_II"][COLOR=#0000ff]Vatican II[/COLOR][/URL] Calendar)

    I know what I want to be doing on Sextopola day .... well it actualy is what I want to be doing every day.

    [SIZE=1]So for the curious, Easter is on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or following the spring equinox.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1]Thank god for pagans![/SIZE]
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